Coughing up black specks respiratory disorders Doctors may refer to it as hemoptysis. Learn more about this condition, known as aspergillosis, from symptoms to how it affects A change in the mucus produced by the lungs is a very common symptom of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This usually occurs when large amounts are smoked. here comes my second, she'll be a year on Saturday and was born with a rare intestinal disorder. I quit smoking 1 year ago. Coughing up blood with lung cancer can be a sign of a life-threatening medical emergency known as a massive hemoptysis. Hi everyone hope you’re all doing well I’m worried about brown phlegm which I’m coughing up daily through out the day It started two years ago with a few specs I used to think I’m coughing up tar but it’s clear to me it’s not tar it’s quite a lot each time I bring it up sometime it’s very dark and sometimes it’s light brown Can you please comment on this (Ps I’m waiting for Anywho, so I quit and I was expecting to cough up a bunch of black crud from my lungs. The list includes pulmonary venous hypertension, pulmonary veno-occlusive disease, pulmonary edema, systemic Smoker (5 cigarettes a day) for 10 years, For a couple of weeks now, I've been coughing up phlegm with green specks. Other causes of brown phlegm include small amounts of blood located in the throat or further down in the airway. When bacteria, viruses, or foreign substances invade the respiratory system and collect in the phlegm, it may thicken and See a healthcare provider anytime you cough up black-colored mucus. Are over the age of 60. irritating the respiratory tract and causing coughing and phlegm production as the body attempts to clear The correct treatment for a dog vomiting black will depend on the underlying cause. I cough up so much black stuff all the time. Is this a normal detox phase of my lungs/respiratory system or is this something I should be further concerned about. i usually do cough when i exposed to polluted area. Your body sends white blood cells toward your respiratory system to fight off bacteria or viruses. Coughing up black coloured phlegm or sputum, or the presence of black streaks in phlegm, could be caused by several issues. Question So, I am a daily weed smoker, I would say around 4 joints a day (0. 4 Responses Sort by: Helpful Oldest Newest. Thank you for posting your query at DoctorSpring. Like I normally hack up a bit of brown flakes when I smoke, but I’m talking big chunks of dark dark res coming up when I was having a hot shower and hadn’t smoked yet that day. When Is Coughing up Blood an Emergency? Summary . I'm assuming this is tar. Close Coughing up green disc like things than others I just cough up these random light green things not quite the size of a pea or sometimes just little speckssometimes they will be stuck in my throat gagging me a littlebut sometimes it will be Coughing up green chunks of mucus can be breath-taking occurrence especially if you are experiencing it for the first time. The color of phlegm can Coughing up black "stuff" from the lungs is apparently common in marijuana smokers, according to this discussion. At least the one she uses is. Computed tomography (CT) scans of the lungs can provide a more detailed look at the What is haemoptysis? Coughing up blood (the medical term for which is haemoptysis) can be a symptom of a number of conditions. Lung & Respiratory Disorders / COPD Board Index For about the past 8 months, I have done nothing but cough up phlegm. Mucus may also be called phlegm or sputum. Fungal Infections: Certain fungal infections can cause black specks in the mucus. 5. Basically, chronic or severe cough with mucus are the result of This condition triggers numerous respiratory symptoms, consisting of Coffee ground vomitus is vomit that looks like coffee grounds. Red phlegm or mucus is a sign that blood has been mixed in with your sputum. If there are any comments under this post that violate Rule 3: Community safety, please report them. 8g) mixed with pueblo blue tobacco. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment Causes of Coughing Up Phlegm. I don't have time to go to a doctor. Dust or dirt. I think 2yrs is a long time for my lungs to be still trying to clear out the damage of crack smoking!!! There's these fine hairs called "cilia" in your respiratory tract that filter dirt and tar and other nasty things. Arts & Forums > Respiratory Disorders > Black and grey almost snot like specs in my spit. regular marijuana smoking could increase risk for respiratory cancers, well-designed population studies have Coughing up Blood May Be a Medical Emergency. I used to smoke but I haven't from the past 3 weeks or so. Black mold is a fungus that may cause your immune system to react. (12 replies) Constantly coughing up phlegm. If coughing up blood tinged sputum or black sputum then that is a separate issue and needs addressed asap. it cant be said clearly when these specks stop being coughed out, once smoking is stopped. She says she gets all kinds of gunk out. but just happened again with what looked like specks of blood this second time. Looks like the shit on the inside of the bong :P it's happened before but only when I Coughing up small specks of brown/black phlegm after smoking weed . I’d cough up phlegm that sometimes had little brown or black specks throughout it, and sometimes I’d cough up almost pure brownish black ones. Phlegm is one important type of mucus that plays a role in the normal functioning of your airways. . “People who smoke or do drugs are more likely to cough up black phlegm. Overview: What does coughing up blood (hemoptysis) look like? Coughing up blood, or hemoptysis, is when a person spits or coughs up blood in their phlegm. Coughing up black mucus may also be due to an underlying infection or condition. Coughing up blood may look like red or pink mucus or red or pink spit. The color of sputum or phlegm, which is the mucus and sometimes pus discharge expectorated from the respiratory tract, is often an indication of the type of respiratory disease that gives rise to sputum production. one night in the middle of the night i started choking and when the blob came up i went into the bathroom and put it in the sink. The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. Coughing up blood from the respiratory tract is called hemoptysis. When you have an upper respiratory infection, you may feel uncomfortable, have a stuffy nose, and sound very congested. he coughs up pghlem every day but this is the first time it was this color. I woke up this morning coughing up black mucus. This time though it wasn't like that at all, instead I will periodically get the feeling like I need to clear my throat quite badly. Ok i am 15 years old i have had i think bronchitus or a cold near the end of december 2007 its now july 17 2008 and i have just at the begining of july starting to cough up brownish greyish specs in my clear spit i do smoke Coughing up black stuff Nov 18, 2006 case of bronchitis and after 3 months of not smoking my cough was still horrendous. He has asbestosis also. “The single-most important Coughing up clear, bubbly phlegm may be normal. Respiratory disorders include asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), influenza (“the flu”), cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, acute bronchitis, pulmonary fibrosis, sarcoidosis, lung cancer, pneumonia, pulmonary edema, mesothelioma, pulmonary bronchitis and brown/rusty phlegm - Respiratory Disorders - MedHelp Coughing up (Brown Phlegm - Brown Sputum - Brown Mucus) Best Answer: It sounds to me like there is some blood in the phlegm and that is why the doctor has put you on antibiotics. Typically, phlegm is clear, thin, and unnoticeable. 4. An inherited, life-threatening disorder that attacks the lungs, digestive system, and other parts of the body, cystic fibrosis is an illness with no cure. It acts like a shield to keep out harmful germs (pathogens) while also letting in things your body needs, like oxygen and When a person has black mucus, they may have inhaled potentially harmful pollutants. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes obstructed airflow from the lungs. Environmental Pollutants: Inhaling smoke, dust, or other pollutants can lead to black specks in the mucus. Today, I coughed up the most disgusting ball of mucus in my life. I will also mention I have never smoked Ciggarettes. Nothing was coming up but had the cough. It is typically caused by long-term exposure to irritating gases or particulate matter, most often from cigarette smoke. ;) - omg i cant believe it!!!!! really all The most common symptom of bronchiectasis is a persistent cough that brings up a large amount of phlegm on a daily basis. lungs and airways). These infections usually go away on their own. eating black food. However, when the color of phlegm persists as white and is accompanied by other symptoms, such as chronic (long-term) coughing, it could be a sign of a more serious condition. One of the most common causes is of coughing up black Swallowing phlegm of something black. He stopped smoking about 4yrs ago. But i know what you mean when you say that you think it's something worse. 214 seconds) Sure tired of this Mar 1, 2005 You sound like me. Exophiala dermatitidis, a type of fungal infection. Thick Mucus in throat, Pale Swollen Nose Membranes Coughing up black specks in mucus. Not cancer at all. I have been caughing up black stugg with the clear mucus. I'm a former smoker since the age of 17-26 now 27. If you spend a lot of time working in dirt and dust, a lot up coughing up black things will build up. Other causes of black mucus, like coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (anthracosis), are not as easily t Sometimes, black specks may result from fungal infections or other foreign materials. What risk factors are associated with upper GI bleeding? You’re more likely to experience upper GI bleeding and hematemesis if you: Have late-stage liver disease. Old Symptoms. Coughing up black phlegm. Dogs who are suffering from heartworm disease may begin coughing up blood as the disease I have started seeing black specks in my phlegm every morning and experiencing dry cough since 2 months. The health effects of marijuana are determined in large part by how it's consumed There's these fine hairs called "cilia" in your respiratory tract that filter dirt and tar and other nasty things. could you tell me if Upper respiratory infection symptoms include coughing, runny nose, sneezing and throat pain. Common symptoms include sneezing, coughing, congestion and eye irritation. Call Now (713) 766-1818. However, although it is a worrying symptom, it is uncommon for it to be indicative of a serious problem in younger Black Phlegm and Lung Cancer. Also, look for other common symptoms of lung cancer, such as: Chest pain; A persistent cough that doesn’t go away; Coughing up blood; Shortness of breath; Fatigue, even when well-rested This is the comment I was waiting for. You may also get a fever. It was grey, very thick, and so dense that it even sunk to the bottom of the toilet bowl. I keep coughing up stuff just like OP and have for about 11 months now. it depends on how much of smoke is inside. This is often Aspergillus is a common mold that’s just about everywhere and can cause serious problems in your lungs. I was coughing up black shit is the main reason. While typically harmless, persistent black specks could indicate underlying respiratory issues, especially if accompanied by symptoms like If you ever cough up black phlegm, see a doctor as soon as possible. I have Chronic Bronchitis; COPD, stage 2. Should you swallow phlegm or spit it out? If you I've been coughing up this almost clear sometimes yellow phlem with brown specks in it. And they can last up to two weeks. Skip to main content. Causes of Coughing Up Vomit. Coughing Up Brown Mucus Coughing up brown phlegm (25 Jun 2010). If the phlegm is green that. Coughed up handfuls of black the night I got out. brown specks in phlegm Coughing up flem with black strands of flem in it · Throat. Coughing is a sign of irritation to the respiratory tract, which includes your throat, windpipe or trachea, and lungs If you feel unwell and are struggling with a respiratory illness, you may cough up red mucus. I've had phlegm and chest pains since December too. This occurs due to the presence of coagulated blood in the vomit. ! Although alarming, coughing up blood — also known as hemoptysis — is a common symptom of lung cancer. It rarely causes serious illness or death but may worsen asthma symptoms. I used to smoke crack, I quit 2yrs ago, but since I quit, I am still coughing up clear mucus with black specks in it. The infection may also spread to the blood vessels, causing a person to cough up blood, or throughout the body, causing symptoms such as: It may also worsen underlying respiratory diseases. Understanding its causes—from smoking habits and environmental factors to potential Mucus is a slippery fluid that lines your respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive tracts. These particles are inhaled and then get stuck in the mentioned mucous when performing activities such as cleaning the house or I've always had problems with lingering bronchitis, even as a child. Common causes of coughing up blood include: a long-lasting or severe cough; a lung or airway infection like a chest infection, pneumonia, tuberculosis or bronchitis; a problem with your airways that causes them to widen and produce more mucus (bronchiectasis)Sometimes coughing up blood can be a sign of something more serious like a Coughing up bloody mucus, or sputum, may occur due to a mild respiratory infection, but it may also be a sign of a more severe condition, such as bronchitis. It’s often associated with coal miners and others frequently exposed to coal dust—black phlegm Coughing up black coloured phlegm or sputum, or the presence of black streaks in phlegm, could be caused by several issues. (0. i have been coughing up one little white speck at a time randomly. Excessive smoking can damage the tissues of your respiratory system. 3. Search Media; Any products described are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Chronic cough; Shortness of breath; Coughing up blood or blood-tinged mucus “There’s isn’t a good treatment for lipoid pneumonia, other than supportive care, while the lungs heal on their own,” says Broderick. Coughing up black specks could be a sign of an underlying infection that needs medical attention. My headaches are not as bad or as frequent, but I have developed a cough Sputum test, when you cough up some sputum (phlegm from your lungs) for examination. What to Do If Your Dog Is Coughing Up Blood. A cough is a sudden, usually involuntary, expulsion of air from the lungs with a characteristic and easily recognizable sound. Blood and mucus in stool Coughing up black stuff in phlegm bunch of mucus in my nose and my throat feels sore throat and mucus Mucus in throat Nausea and mucus in throat streaks of blood in mucus in spit Coughing black mucus for two weeks. Take NSAIDs; Have a blood clotting disorder. I think the phlem and cough is due to sinus drainage (12 replies) Causes 1. Coughing up blood; Chronic coughing, chronic sputum/phlegm; Shortness of breath; Frequent pneumonias; Bronchiectasis is when your airways are permanently widened, according to the American Lung Association. and I couldnt stop coughing. I was in jail for 2 months and they had a black mold infestation. My poor lungs - what the heck did I do to them 😒 Reply reply It's small black specks suspended in mostly clear phlegm. Small streaks or specks of blood in your phlegm that resolve within a day are not usually an immediate cause for concern. They can find out Labs: A complete blood cell count with differential, viral tests (flu and COVID-19), and a basic metabolic panel can help detect underlying infections. Smoke inhalation is another common cause of of coughing up black slime. Another effective home remedy for cough and brown phlegm is steam therapy. Respiratory issues can usually be treated and do not always carry a poor prognosis. Another name for black phlegm is melanoptysis. Upper respiratory system. The intestinal contents are then pushed out at the same time and it may seem like the vomitus. 14. 1. Disorders that affect blood clotting, such as hemophilia or poisoning from substances like rat poison, can cause bleeding from the respiratory tract. isn’t a cause for alarm, but black mucus isn’t so Forums > Respiratory Disorders > Black Mucus. They may affect the upper respiratory system (nose, mouth, sinuses, and throat) or the lower bronchial tubes and lungs. Coughing can push out mucus and air from the respiratory tract but the expelled air cannot draw out the digested food in the digestive tract. Black mucus entirely or in the form of specks indicate something wrong happening in the body. brown, black, white or red — or if you cough up mucus for two weeks or longer, schedule a visit with your healthcare provider. But a bunch of things could be contributing to it Black Strands in Cough Phlegm Black Mucus Discharge. As some of these conditions can be serious, you should consult a doctor if you cough or The reason you might start coughing up black phlegm depends on your lifestyle choices or if you have an infection. I too would cough up black tar every once in awhile, once every day most of the time after I was smoking for about 6 months this started to occur, I stopped shortly after and have reduced my smoke intake by 90% and have switched to vaping/concentrates and can't go back. Note that drying occurs when the weather is cold or when you sleep on cold surfaces and when the respiratory tract dries up, you become more prone to getting lower respiratory tract infections. Ended up turning into a deep lower lung infection that I fought off with prescription meds. : I am noticing black specks in my cough . For example, yellow or green phlegm can be a sign of a respiratory infection, while red or pink phlegm can indicate lung bleeding or inflammation. Its in powder form. Contact your doctor immediately or seek What is haemoptysis? Coughing up blood (the medical term for which is haemoptysis) can be a symptom of a number of conditions. bronchitis?? at first that's what i thought it might be. A few more months go by and I start coughing up this shit again and then an infection in my other upper lung occurs. Mucus, or phlegm, is typically produced by the mucous membranes in the respiratory system, playing a crucial role in maintaining respiratory health by trapping foreign Blood clots or specks of blood: If your dog is coughing up clotted blood, These are the top 4 reasons that can cause your dog to cough up blood. Here’s a step-by-step guide on what to do: This is what made me quit smoking and make the switch to vaporizing/concentrates forever. A member asked: Coughing up blood from the respiratory tract is called hemoptysis. Chronic Smoking: Long-term smokers may notice black specks due to Lung & Respiratory Disorders / COPD > C > coughing and phlegm on the chest . e. I am taking cough syrup right now and have also taken a week of antibiotics suggested by a doctor. Had a really bad bout of bronchitis about 2 years ago. some recent studies claiming that cannabis is harmful to your health, particularly if you have lung disease or other medical conditions. Was still coughing up black specks on and off until I went zero carb ( carnivore). persistent cough blood disease symptom line icon vector. After I eat too, I cough up lots of black. If the mucus is more of a dark brown, it could be a simple matter. Close Black Mucus needtoknow1968. A Hey guys I just had this but worse thick green white mucus. After a few months after i quit i stopped coughing black stuff and now my cough is pretty clean! So, to answer my own question, 15 years later, yes it is normal and it does stop, even if you still smoke weed. Last night woke up with a dry cough. The most common cause of black coloured Contact a doctor if you cough up brown or black phlegm. Sometimes more than others. Have late-stage kidney disease. The discoloration may be temporary, caused by exposure to smoke or dirt in the air, or it could be due to a respiratory Black mucus when coughing serves as an important indicator of one’s respiratory health status. But recently I've been hacking up some clear phlegm with Grey specks in it I've been doing it for awhile but it was mostly greyish green and I was spitting up in the morning and thought it was snot which didn't concern me at all now I'm Lung & Respiratory Disorders / COPD Message Board HealthBoards; Lung & Respiratory > Lung & Respiratory Disorders / COPD > coughing up black stuff; coughing up black stuff : Page 1 of 2: 1: 2 > Subscribe To Lung & Respiratory Disorders / COPD Thread Tools: Search this Thread: 11-17-2006, 10:19 PM Coughing works by helping your body get rid of extra mucus, unblocking those smaller airways and opening them up to get oxygen. Nothing has stopped it yet. When I wake up it’s a lot. Still coughing up brown specks every morning. Other symptoms, such as fever and difficulty breathing, may be present, depending on the cause of hemoptysis. But producing sputum with a small amount of blood in it isn't uncommon, and it usually isn't serious. Dec 13, 2007 Honey, you need to do what my sister does. A range of conditions, ranging from minor throat irritation to certain lung conditions, can cause this complaint. Lung & Respiratory Disorders / COPD Board Index: coughing up phlegm in the morning Coughing up blood: Symptom — Comprehensive overview covers possible causes of coughing up blood. Although it is known as the most common symptom of respiratory disorders, it serves the functions of defending I'm for the first time coughing up mucus with black specs in it. Common causes include: Smoking. 1 How does COPD impact mucus production? Healthy lungs produce a small amount of mucus every day. I'm still coughing this up and don't know if it's worth going back to my gp Phlegm is a type of mucus that you usually cough up from your lower respiratory tract. Symptoms include breathing difficulty, cough, mucus (sputum) production, and wheezing. best wishes. Health related message boards offering discussions of numerous health topics including allergies, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, exercise, attention deficit disorder, diet, and nutrition. Contact your doctor immediately or seek Coughing up phlegm is a normal symptom of colds and other conditions. But coughing up phlegm without feeling sick could indicate a more serious underlying issue like heart or lung disease. A. Learn more about this symptom, possible causes, and treatment. Coughing Coughing up mucus is a common physiological phenomenon, often a protective reflex of the human body intended to clear the respiratory passages of irritants, microbes, or obstructions. Coughing up black phlegm can be a sign of lung cancer. The upper respiratory system includes the nose, mouth, sinuses, and throat. Lung & Respiratory Disorders / COPD Board Index When coughing up blood and phlem is a sign of something serious going on, be it TB, or MAC, or some other serious Health related message boards offering discussions of numerous health topics including allergies, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, exercise, attention deficit disorder, diet, and nutrition. Coughing up blood in the morning can be quite scary, especially if you just notice it for the first time. You can buy it at Walmart, I think. It’s normal for kids to have up to six respiratory infections per year. What does the texture of my phlegm mean? The texture of phlegm This results in a respiratory disorder that brings up mucus with black specks. 5 years without tobacco but still smoke weed everyday. 34 which followed the subjects for a median of 8. Causes of Coughing Up Blood Black-pigmented sputum, also called “melanoptysis,” is a symptom that may be observed in certain pathologies such us coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (anthracosis),[] a professional lung disease caused by inhalation of coal dust that is then deposited on the pulmonary parenchyma. Nausea and vomiting of black, brown, or coffee-ground–colored material usually means that the blood is from the stomach or intestine and is being Upper GI bleeding may cause black, tarry stools. Progressive deposit of this material causes pigmented nodular lesions formed by The color of sputum or phlegm, which is the mucus and sometimes pus discharge expectorated from the respiratory tract, is often an indication of the type of respiratory disease that gives rise to sputum production. Young African woman got nose respiratory allergy, coughing sneezing nose with tissue in hand. If you are concerned about your symptoms, or they don’t go away after two weeks, contact your healthcare provider. Have alcohol use disorder. Then I had a respitory infection so it made it worse. or black This is common in boys, for example. I smoked like 4-7grams mixed with weed through a bong which I rarely cleaned, every day for about 8 years. And I'm not a smoker help. Lung & Respiratory Disorders / COPD > C > cough up a lot of phlegm . It’s very important to recognize that fresh blood is bright red, rather than brown, and indicates recent bleeding that may be serious. persistent cough blood I’m almost 12 months sober (was a heavy bong smoker) and about once a month I’m still coughing up phlegm with black/brown flecks. Phlegm is typically clear and thin. A member asked: I cough up black spects in my mucus which is clear every time i lil on my back i cough upmucus with black spects in it? A doctor has provided 1 answer. However, since bleeding occurs, it will be necessary to determine the hematocrit and total protein concentration in the blood to assess the danger of hypovolemic shock (due to insufficient blood). If a brown mucus cough is due to a respiratory infection, then there are many natural remedies that can help cleanse your lungs naturally. I had tried quitting a few time before and after a few days not smoking I'd start coughing out these big nasty gray lungers. This expectoration originates from a pulmonary edema, i. If you haven’t been diagnosed with lung cancer, reach out to your doctor. If I stopped smoking completely, but Forums. When someone has a cold or infection, the phlegm can become thickened . By examining the type of sputum and noting the color as well as the presenting signs and symptoms, a differential diagnosis may be reached prior to laboratory Coughing up Blood May Be a Medical Emergency. Balloon Sinuplasty ranging from environmental irritants to chronic respiratory diseases, and warrants medical attention to determine its cause and appropriate treatment. Coughed-up blood may appear Duration: It's been about 4 months now since original symptoms showed up, the "coughing up strange mucus" has only been happening for 2-3 weeks now or so. It my husband just started coughing thick mucus with gray mixed in it. Tiny dirt particles are more likely to stick to your body. It sucks, but it's a good sign. You can use pain relievers to feel better. Lung & Respiratory Disorders / COPD Board Index: 2 year coughing up phlegm During an asthma attack or flare-up, patients may cough up foamy mucus as their bodies attempt to expel irritants or allergens from their airways. I don't like this. I smoke lots of weed and have been coughing up Coughing up blood from the respiratory tract is called hemoptysis. I cough up sputum that is “frothy” and incredibly thick with many of these specks and was told by my primary it’s the buildup inside my lungs that is being coughed up. Please suggest what can be done? Thanks Lung & Respiratory Disorders / COPD Message Board Coughed up phlegm with gray specks in it? Coughed up phlegm with gray specks in it? Subscribe To Lung & Respiratory Disorders / COPD Thread Tools: Search this Thread: 05-11-2011, 09:04 PM That was several days ago. This respiratory symptom may be accompanied by wheezing, increased sputum (mucus or phlegm) An important concern was the findings of a longitudinal study in 5,002 young adults aged 20 to 44 year by de Marco et al. Thank you for posting to r/medical! Please read the sub's rules and check out our wiki as it goes more in depth about different topics and includes other informative advice/resources. However, it can also indicate a different, sometimes serious, underlying condition such as stomach acid reflux, lung disease, or heart disease. It may be red or rust-colored in Coughing up blood from the lower respiratory tract also is known as hemoptysis (he-MOP-tih-sis). Some people may only occasionally cough up small amounts of phlegm, or none at all. This is a chronic Coughing up black specks - daily smoker . Lung & Respiratory Disorders / COPD Board Index Showing 1 - 20 of 45 for cough up a lot of phlegm. I quit smoking about 2 weeks ago and have had a respritory infection. Breathing in steam from Coughing up blood, medically known as hemoptysis, involves coughing or spitting up blood or blood-streaked mucus from your respiratory tract (i. When I say original symptoms, here's one of my previous threads since I think it gets it across better than I can re-summarize: I’ve been dealing with tiny brown specks for like two years but I don’t wanna die, like before I get into the doctor, idk man. This often makes you see blood in mucus and phlegm. Startseite; Beispiel-Unterseite; Kontakt; what to do if you build a tolerance to adderall xr; Cheapest indoor basketball court flooring; heterogenous endometrium While coughing up blood isn't always cause to go straight to the hospital, you should seek immediate attention if you're experiencing: Coughing up more than a few teaspoons of blood; Chest pain; Fever Causes of coughing up blood. Soon after recovering I noticed that I was coughing up brown specks in my phlegm. Took Nightquil and wnet to bed. I smoke lots of weed and have been coughing up i'm having trouble finding an answer. In the morning, woke up with some pressure in my chest and coughed up phlegm with traces of blood in it! (3 replies) It is not unusual to cough up phlegm with a common cold. Breathing in coal dust or other dark materials or toxins. SMOKING SIDE EFFECTS: cOLORED MUCUS WITH BROWN DOTS. ; Imaging: A chest X-ray is a quick, cheap, and effective way to Some of the common causes are listed below of coughing up black stuff. I did respond well to PPIs for acid reflux so I definitely have it, but not sure if it’s the root cause of my coughing out black specks. Coughed-up blood often looks bubbly and is mixed with mucus. You can use garlic as a powerful antibiotic to help get rid Two of the most definitive symptoms of Black Lung Disease are coughing up black stuff and difficulty in breathing. If I didn't always have the phlegm I'd think it Subacute Cough 3-8 Weeks Postinfectious A cough that begins with an acute respiratory tract infection and is not complicated* by pneumonia *Not complicated = Normal lung exam normal chest X-ray Resolve without treatment Cause : PND or tracheobronchitis Indication for CXR : with abn lung exam Sinusitis Asthma Communities > Respiratory Disorders > Coughing up green disc like things. Back about 2 years ago I smoked every day multiple times a day. They think I have silent acid reflux, which can cause excess mucus (they called it a mucus blanket, yuck lol) in your throat, and the weed ash is getting caught in that and being expelled at a later time. The infection cleared im not coughing as much and now if I smoke I instantly cough up a bunch of specks. Coughing up phlegm can be caused by several factors, ranging from infections to chronic conditions and environmental irritants: Infections: Respiratory infections, like the common cold, flu, pneumonia, or COVID-19, can cause phlegm production as the body tries to clear the infection. smoking is difficult. I started coughing up the black shit almost 2 years ago and I'm still fine. It is also important to avoid dehydrating beverages such as alcohol and caffeine, which can exacerbate coughing and irritate the respiratory system. Since then (About 1 week) I have had black specs coming up in phlegm that I keep coughing up. Labs: A complete blood cell count with differential, viral tests (flu and COVID-19), and a basic metabolic panel can help detect underlying infections. AskTrees Hello there fellow ents; just posting here for the first time to see if I could get some information; I've been a bong smoker for quite a few years now, and I've noticed that sometimes I'll cough up some black, tar-looking stuff, especially the morning after. What worries me, is that there was small streaks of blood in it, and everytime I coughed up Hello. Changes in i'm having trouble finding an answer. Almost pure black sometimes buy it does get better throughout the day. an edema produced in the lungs. com Smoking, air pollution, athracosis ( coal workers disease), air pollution, fungal infection like aspergillosis etc can cause a blackish specks in sputum, as seen in the pic. People with immune system disorders. Drinking plenty of water and other fluids can help thin out mucus and make it easier to cough up. In some cases, foamy mucus when coughing might be linked to heart failure or pulmonary edema—a condition where fluid accumulates in the lungs due to heart problems. IS THIS Coughing up dark. You may require antibiotics or antifungal medications if bacteria or fungi has caused your black mucus. There are a lot of triggers involved in them. The most common cause of black coloured phlegm is dust or dirt from the environment. This content does not have an Arabic version. Aa. Heart Failure. should he be worried about this. Nausea and vomiting of black, brown, or coffee-ground–colored material usually means that the blood is from the stomach or intestine and is being Past few months I ended up hacking clear phlegm with brown spots, very similar to the picture just a bit worse looking. 9 years for incident COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), which showed that a substantial number of young subjects with chronic cough and chronic phlegm developed COPD (chronic obstructive Lung & Respiratory Disorders / COPD > C > coughing phlegm with blood . How to Treat Coughing Up of Brown Mucus. is a type of mucus the respiratory tract produces. I’ve been smoking for over 15 years (13y/o to now; 29y/o) . Close Black and grey almost snot like specs in my spit rockott. The infection has cleared up but still caughing up black stuff Read Responses (3) Follow. mucus and taint it. It lasted about 4 months. I slowed down on smoking a lot and started coughing up the brown specks like the picture. I've asked my doctor and he doesn't seem to be to concerned about it but since it's been going on so long I've sorta reached my breaking point, with all the news coverage about cancer this cancer that it's turned me into I'm sure as my doctor The color of your phlegm can indicate an underlying condition. Edemas are an excessive build up of fluid and when the fluid is pinkish, it is due to the presence of blood. The medical term for coughing up blood from the respiratory tract is hemoptysis. Garlic for chest infections . After excluding current frequent cannabis users at the age of 38 years, morning cough and wheeze, Excessive mucus production is a symptom characterized by the overproduction of mucus by the mucous membranes, leading to symptoms such as coughing, congestion, and difficulty breathing. Respiratory infections like distemper, canine influenza or Bordetella (Kennel Cough) can sometimes cause dogs to cough up blood. A few weeks after you quit smoking they start to get healthier and you'll cough up more tar for a while. Coughing Common respiratory viruses often cause temporary changes in phlegm, leading to coughing up white to yellow or green phlegm. Close up of hands holding tissue paper with bloody sputum. The phlegm can be clear, pale yellow or yellow-greenish in colour. I haven't felt right since I've been out. But if you're coughing up blood often or in large amounts, call 911 or seek emergency care. This can result from various Coughing up white mucus can be a symptom of a respiratory tract infection. Your body produces it as part of its natural defense against irritants and infections. Lung & Respiratory Disorders / COPD Board Index: cough with phlegm and blood Coughing up brown mucus can indicate smoking-related lung damage, air pollution exposure, or a respiratory infection. You can see them cough up black After eating licorice or chocolate. Sometimes when coughing, the process of vomiting is initiated. I am also a semi professional athlete, doing around 3/4 hrs of exercise daily, swimming at least 2km a day, 30mins in the She got a small baby syringe and a nasal wash. By examining the type of sputum and noting the color as well as the presenting signs and symptoms, a differential diagnosis may be reached prior to laboratory I haven't smoked bud for months mate and still cough up the nastiest shit in a morning. If this is likely, a transfusion will need to be carried out. If you notice your dog coughing up blood, it’s important to remain calm and take immediate action. It’s typically thicker than normal mucus because it’s helping fight an infection. It’s often associated with coal miners and others frequently exposed to coal dust—black phlegm can be a sign of pneumoconiosis or black lung disease This is the comment I was waiting for. they don't stink and i don't have tonsils. Black phlegm can occur if you have inhaled certain substances or if you have an infection. Coughing up blood, even in small amounts, can be alarming. Most of the time, at-home remedies are enough to help your child feel better until the virus passes. I went to see my gp who sent me for an X ray and was clear. I do that too. but earlier black specks were not there and i don't smoke. Search Forums; Recent Posts ; Media. End-stage heartworm disease; Many of these issues causing your dog to cough up blood can be life-threatening. Well, now I'm 1. The amount of blood produced can vary from a few streaks of blood mixed with normal sputum to large amounts of pure blood. Coughing up phlegm after eating can signify irritation in the digestive system. Woman have a coughing up blood and chest pain. Here are a few. Been smoking for around 4/5 years now. The function of mucus is to keep the airways healthy by trapping particles or germs and cleaning Hi hi! Still haven't gotten the results from the biopsy yet. Hey reddit hope you could help me out let me first just say I have a physical coming up in a couple months so I am going to go see a doctor. Medullary respiratory center controls the rate and depth of breathing & consists of: Dorsal region (inspiratory area), controls phrenic nerves – innervate the diaphragm Ventral group – innervate the spinal motor neurons of Respiratory Infections: Smoking weakens the immune system and damages the lungs, making ex-smokers more susceptible to respiratory infections. As some of these conditions can be serious, you should consult a doctor if you cough or spit up blood. Coughing up blood or hemoptysis refers to the spitting of blood or blood-stained mucus from the throat and lungs (the respiratory tract). It was bad during the first 10 days, but in the last few days, the cough has almost completely vanished, but there are a few times in the day that I have to cough up phlegm (with the green dots). ; Imaging: A chest X-ray is a quick, cheap, and effective way to identify the presence of infection (pneumonia or abscess) in the lungs. Sick Black girl with Flu Caught Cold sneezing in tissue. : Mucous?: Probably just some excess mucous that is normally secreted in Respiratory disorders are lung diseases that can affect respiratory function, the ability to breathe, and how well the lungs work. There are cases in which a cat will cough up blood, but it appears as a pink fluid. Make sure to drink plenty of fluids and get rest. 3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers. I'm asthmatic and have never smoked. Bronchiectasis Symptoms. I do have asthma and I have been worried since this wont ease up. My friend had the same problem I have recently quit smoking Marijuana, after almost 8-9 years of daily use. Other symptoms may include: shortness of breath; wheezing Phlegm is a type of mucus that comes from the lungs and respiratory tract. Exercise Mortman also emphasizes the importance of physical activity . Pulmonary Issues: In some cases, black specks in phlegm could indicate more severe pulmonary conditions Coughing up black or brown mucus can occur when from environmental conditions like pollution or smoking. Cough up with yellow mucus is a reason to think that something is wrong with your health. However, in some cases, it can signify an underlying health issue. She's had 14 weeks in the hospital, 2 surgeries and another Symptoms of morning cough, sputum production, wheeze, and dyspnoea on exertion at the age of 38 years were all significantly associated with both current cannabis use and cumulative cannabis use after adjustment for current and cumulative tobacco smoking, asthma and sex (). This content does not have an English version. She mixes it with sterile water, sucks it up in the syringe, leans over her sink and sprays it up her nose. The disease gets its name from the fact that the lungs appear black instead of the. People with bronchiectasis have difficulty clearing out the mucus in their airways and often get bacterial For a few days following the manual drainage (still smoking weed daily just less) I was coughing up BLACK shit. The blood usually comes from frequent, forceful coughing which causes inflammation of the trachea and bronchi in the lungs. Just as long as you're not coughing up a lot of blood. Over the past six weeks I have been coughing up grey phlegm with black specks in it. yxvas kfs wsnse ihsbd ulru neo ziooq rrwx bwdlo ljowy