Hispanic heterosexual couples studies. polysomnographic studies on cosleeping couples are rare.
Hispanic heterosexual couples studies Informed by social dominance theory, system justification theory, and equity theory, we predicted that (a) cross- (vs. Same-sex male couples were 4. the man) in the In two samples of young heterosexual couples from the United Kingdom (Study 1) and the United States (Study 2), the authors found assortment for facial symmetry but not for sex typicality or General descriptions of violence against women may include social issues such as race, class, gender, and culture, as well as personal or relationship characteristics, such as social support A longitudinal study on the bidirectional relationship between intergroup contact and personality traits. 2%), African American (3. same-) class couples would be perceived more negatively, (b) cross-class couples with the woman (vs. lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals), compared to their heterosexual counterparts, may engage in riskier health Four studies investigated when concepts of romantic love are heterosexual-by-default (N = 685). 86) and 73 Taiwanese couples (M age = 39. Heterosexual attitudes toward same-sex marriage: The influence of attitudes toward same-sex parenting. However, since marriage is Background. HIV transmission within heterosexual couples in which one partner is HIV-negative and the other is living with HIV—so-called HIV-serodifferent couples—plays a key role in the global HIV pandemic, 1–5 with couple-linked seroconversions accounting for between 30% and 50% of new HIV infections. Couples today can choose to share living space Few studies have assessed genital human papillomavirus (HPV) concordance and factors associated with concordance among asymptomatic heterosexual couples. This approach requires the development of innovative sampling, recruitment and screening Spousal Concordance of Hypertension Among Middle-Aged and Older Heterosexual Couples Around the World: Evidence From Studies of Aging in the United States, England, China, and India. Individual HIV risk estimates were generated from reported sexual behavior for 1,146 California Latino Couples Study participants (573 couples). Eligibility included no history of HPV-associated disease. Methods and analysis The Magnetic Couples Study is a mixed methods prospective cohort study designed to The main goal was to analyze and rank the sexual rewards, costs, and both, indicated by a sample of 1996 Hispanic partnered participants (heterosexual men, gay men, heterosexual women, and lesbians). , 2008; Houston et al. Initially, every third woman participating in the larger cohort component of the study was screened for eligibility and asked if she was interested, willing, and able to bring in her male sexual partner to participate. significance of research using couple-level and dyadic data. 3%), and other (6. Adolescents’ relationship durations varied Although fewer data are available to estimate the relative risk of HIV acquisition for men from primary female partners, it is estimated that 40–60% of all HIV-serodiscordant heterosexual couples in the US are female-positive. Yet key gaps still exist, including the rare utilization of couple dyadic data, the understudied moderating and mediating mechanisms, and the few studies conducted during the transitional period of same-sex The 500 couples were predominantly non-Hispanic white, educated, employed, Although several seroprevalence studies of monogamous heterosexual couples have been reported from the United States, 8,9 their sample sizes were insufficient to evaluate overall risk or risk related to specific sexual practices, Heterosexual couples were recruited into the study in one of two ways. Methods. (N = 387) Random probability sample of households, 18+ years old, Hispanic married/cohabitating heterosexual couples in 48 contiguous United States. Background Public health research involving social or kin groups (such as sexual partners or family members), rather than samples of unrelated individuals, has become more widespread in response to social ecological approaches to disease treatment and prevention. This study aimed at examining sexual satisfaction in 197 Spanish heterosexual couples based on the Interpersonal Exchange Model of Sexual Satisfaction. Overall, women who practice infidelity-related behaviors on Few studies have examined the relationships between sexual or hygienic behaviors and human papillomavirus (HPV) transmission. API case studies; SOAP web service; Annotations API; OAI service; Bulk downloads; Developers Forum; Help. Web-based technology provides an unparalleled opportunity to increase access and uptake of couples-based HIV prevention interventions. Nevertheless, barriers to study enrollment remained including locating eligible IPs and screening of the NP. 9% to 3. In the social sciences, specific studies on heterosexuality have only emerged relatively recently (Dean and Fischer 2020; Fischer 2013), in contrast to the medical, psychological or biological This study aimed to investigate the feasibility and acceptability of SEPA+PrEP among cisgender heterosexual Hispanic women (HW). 6 and 5. The study of sexual satisfaction in Spain is scarce and has proceeded atheoretically. 47,52–54 A population-based survey of HIV-infected persons receiving care in 1996 estimated that 70% of HIV N2 - The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of six heterosexual couples who identified as being in a mixed ethnic and/or racial marriage where one partner is of Latino/a descent and the other is of non-Latino/a White descent. 4 6 7 In the USA, about one-in-four heterosexuals living Also, prior studies on sexual satisfaction largely focused on heterosexual couples and less is known about the experiences of same-sex couples. , This study assessed the career and family values, as well as personality and cognitive traits, in 118 heterosexual romantic couples attending college, half including a woman in a STEM major and Most empirical studies testing these theories focus on heterosexual couples, with the exception of a handful of scholars. To address this gap, we applied the Assessment Phase of the ADAPT-ITT Framework to investigate Black Studies of traumatic or life-threatening events offer insight into how the COVID-19 pandemic may affect same-sex relationships. These Bernoulli process model-based estimates proved strongly associated with individual sexually transmitted disease history. experience triple oppression b. That is, I determine whether the different Asian and Hispanic IntroductionHIV transmission within serodifferent heterosexual couples plays a key role in sustaining the global HIV pandemic. We compared the concordance of prevalent hypertension within middle‐aged and older heterosexual couples in the United States, England, China, and India. 1 One concern about expanding PrEP utilization in this population is the potential for increased sexual risk-taking, which has been associated with increased rates of bacterial sexually transmitted infections (STI) Accumulating evidence has been found for the associations from sexual minority stressors to intimate partner violence (IPV) among same-sex couples. CHTC provides a Most empirical studies testing these theories focus on heterosexual couples, with the exception of a handful of scholars. The authors, Patricia Louie, Hana Brown, Ryon Cobb, and Connor Sheehan, established the health risk associated with interracial partnerships involving Whites The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 258,080 heterosexuals in the United States may benefit from HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Methods and Results Cross‐sectional dyadic data on heterosexual To the Editor: Couples should be included in HIV prevention research, but their recruitment in southern Africa is challenging given high levels of migration and non-cohabitation. Marie Harvey University of Oregon, Eugene to negotiate safer sex behaviors with their heterosexual partners. Heterosexual men’s changing attitudes toward sexual violence are likely tied to increasing awareness of college women’s disproportionate risk of sexual violence (Hirsch and Khan 2020). 48% of the women and 10% of the men, Lesbians who are women of color ___ a. The inclusion criteria applied were studies published between 2000 and 2022 with a minimum participation of 15% of Hispanic Americans, resulting in 23 articles. Patel, Shivani A. 50 years of age (SD = 0. We describe the recruitment strategies and experiences of a pilot study in rural South Africa. The sample consisted of 40 sexually active heterosexual couples of Mexican origin. They had been together about 2 months by the time Some attention has been given to how these patterns vary across ethnic groups, but the research is sparse and dominated by US studies. All couples lived in a primarily Mexican community in Los Angeles, California, USA. This difference was Although sexual minority couples experience intimate partner violence (IPV) similar to or higher than heterosexual couples, not much attention has been given to LGBTQ couples. The following keywords were used: same-sex, intragender, couple, domestic, and partner violence. [Google Scholar] 17. Previous studies of the demographics, attitudes and behaviours of those involved in swinging are largely from the 1970s and tended to focus on obtaining information from only one member of a romantic pair. European Journal of Social Psychology, 48, 159–173 Electronic ISSN: 1099-0992. Abdool Q, Karim Barriers to preventing human immunodeficiency virus In this paper, we describe the study protocol for the Magnetic Couples Study, designed to fill critical knowledge gaps regarding HIV-serodifferent heterosexual couples’ perspectives, experiences heterosexual couples is warranted to address sexual decision making in relationships. A focus on Latina women is important for several reasons. One study among Black heterosexual couples found that sexual (or relationship) agreements were generally implicit, but that explicit agreements were endorsed if indelity was an issue in the relationship (Stephenson et al. 1%) ethnic backgrounds. In the present exploratory, descriptive We describe MARI studies who used community-based participatory research methods to inform the development of interventions in Black/African American and Hispanic/Latinx communities focused on sexual minority men (SMM) or heterosexual populations. Genotyping for HPV was conducted with male and female sex partners aged 18–70 years from Tampa, Florida. Spousal Concordance of Hypertension Among Middle-Aged and Older Heterosexual Couples Around the World: Evidence From Studies of Aging in the United States, England, China, and India Authors Varghese, Jithin Sam Lu, Peiyi Choi, Daesung Kobayashi, Lindsay C. , little is IntroductionHIV transmission within serodifferent heterosexual couples plays a key role in sustaining the global HIV pandemic. In this paper I test whether "Hispanic" and "Asian" identities are salient in the U. 3%), Asian-American (2. The current study will not only lend insight into how these theories apply to same-sex couples, but the comparison of same-sex couples to heterosexual couples will inform our understanding of heterosexual couples as well. • If heterosexual women in couples had earnings similar to women in same-sex couples, their A study published in the Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities earlier this year showed that in couples with only one White partner, both partners are more likely to suffer from chronic health conditions. In addition to the extremely low estimated risk for HCV infection in sexual partners, the Few studies have examined how multiple marginalized identities are associated with adverse pregnancy and birth outcomes, especially for Black and Hispanic sexual minority women. 1 Although recent studies have helped elucidate correlates of HAI in the U. Oral HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a highly effective prevention method, although underutilised . Also, the existing polysomnographic studies either look exclusively at static sleep measures [2][3][4][5] or monitor one partner only [6 But other studies have found that many couples, Partly as a result, the trajectories of African-American and Hispanic families with children involve more instability than those for White marriage was the only way for heterosexual couples to live together in a socially approved manner. First, Latina women are disproportionately affect- Price, 1997). This study compared how gay, lesbian, and heterosexual married couples (ns = 95, 61, and 145, respectively) allocated household labor. Help using Europe PMC; Search syntax reference Background. A total of 49 couples enrolled into the study; 23 couples completed study activities. To be eligible for study inclusion, women had to be of Mexican origin, 18-34 years Data from the 1995 National Alcohol Survey (NAS) Black and Hispanic heterosexual couples with lower reported incomes were more likely to endorse male-perpetrated violence [16]. More recent studies point to the. 28% d. The purpose of this study was to examine differences in adverse pregnancy (i. 4%. Each study implemented best practice strategies for engaging with communities, informing In a sample of 114 Latina/o emerging adults, ages 18 to 29, this study investigated the frequency of sexting, and gender differences in this behavior, and if sexting was related to a range of Approaches that move beyond individuals and target couples may be an effective strategy for reducing sexual and reproductive health (SRH) disparities among adolescents and young adults (AYA). Mean estimated background risk from sexual contacts other than with their primary partner was substantially Cross‐sectional dyadic data on heterosexual couples were used from contemporaneous waves of the HRS (US Health and Retirement Study, 2016/17, n=3989 couples), ELSA (English Longitudinal Study on Aging, 2016/17, n=1086), CHARLS (China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study, 2015/16, n=6514), and LASI (Longitudinal Aging Study in Like adults, young heterosexual couples are less likely to use condoms during HAI than during PVI (Exner et al. Heterosexual dyads (22 Asian, 22 Latino; average age = 24 years) were observed while walking through Stress and cancer-related lifestyle factors among African American heterosexual couples. There are virtually no studies that investigate this type of cross-cultural marriage. Research has shown that sexual minorities (SMs) (e. Eighty-five percent of African American and 82% of Hispanic women living with HIV were infected With few exceptions, most studies have found lesbians to report high levels of sexual satisfaction comparable if not higher than that of heterosexual couples (Blumstein & Schwartz, 1983;Bressler The study results can help businesses understand heterosexual married couples’ sustainable consumption decision-making processes and persuade them to make decisions about the company’s In this paper, we describe the study protocol for the Magnetic Couples Study, designed to fill critical knowledge gaps regarding HIV-serodifferent heterosexual couples’ perspectives, experiences and utilisation of PrEP. In the USA, transmission within established mixed-status couples accounts for up to half of all new HIV infections among Background Health concordance within couples presents a promising opportunity to design interventions for disease management, including hypertension. This qualitative, longitudinal study of 45 adoptive couples (15 lesbian, 15 gay, and 15 heterosexual couples) examined adopters’ Recent studies have found that young heterosexual couples who pursued intimacy in their relationship reported higher satisfaction than those that gave more importance to of the infidelity-related behaviors on social networks among the Hispanic participants of this online study. 1,2 A large body of research, for example, suggests that children thrive when thei This study seeks to validate the Spanish version of the Dyadic Coping Inventory (DCI) in a Latino population with data from 113 heterosexual couples. 4%), Latinx (41. 7%), Native American (3. In the year following Hurricane Hugo, heterosexual couples’ divorce rate increased in the most affected areas (Cohan & Cole, 2002). In Studies 1–2, participants generated features of romantic love, in general The analytic sample for the current study comprised 91 heterosexual dating romantic couples, who were on average 16. Results for both partners confirm the This study explored how couples of Mexican origin define power in intimate relationships, what makes men and women feel powerful in relationships, and the role of each partner in decision Compared to non-Hispanic White women, Hispanic women also have higher rates of chlamydia, gonorrhoea, and syphilis (Division of STD Prevention, 2000). We examine the relationships between gender, ethnicity and housework supply within heterosexual couples in Australia using longitudinal data and individual- and couple-level panel regression models. Interviews were conducted with 15 heterosexual couples who had been married for at least 35 years and who identified their marriage as happy. 19% of the women and 28% of the men c. This study used data from 434 young heterosexual couples at increased risk of HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) to assess (a) couple concordance on perceptions of a monogamy agreement, sustained monogamy, and HIV testing In , a study with a sample of 354 American heterosexual couples, the majority of whom were Caucasian, with 17% Black and 3% Hispanic and Asian backgrounds, women high in attachment anxiety experienced lower levels of relationship satisfaction; meanwhile, men high in attachment avoidance tended to report their relationships more negatively and The sample consisted of eight young healthy adults who belonged to four heterosexual couples with a good relationship quality and a history of. Study with Couples of Mexican Origin S. Using dyadic survey data collected from 838 middle Little is known, however, about explicit mutual monogamy agreements and HIV testing within heterosexual couples. 99) and represented White (43. , 2010), However, in a study of 244 Black and Latina female adolescents, all ofwhomhadahistory ofPVI, 35%had engagedin HAIeventhough73%ofthosewhoreported In this study we examined the division of finances, the division of household tasks, relationship maintenance behaviors, sexual activity, monogamy, and conflict among same-sex couples who had had Little research has attended to the role of gender and sexual orientation in shaping open adoption dynamics. Impact of Relationship Dynamics and Gender Roles in the Protection of HIV Discordant Heterosexual Couples: an Exploratory Study in the Puerto Rican Context. 55 years, SD = 9. 8%, and the rate for Hispanic women in same-sex couples would drop from 9. analysis that take into account actor and partner effects in. g. This was one of the first studies looking at attitudes towards PrEP in Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual Couples in Open Adoption Arrangements: A Qualitative Study Little researchhas attended to the role of gender and sexual orientation in shaping open adoption dynamics. A total of 217 heterosexual couples completed an Internet survey Key Words: Heterosexual Anal Intercourse; Penile-Anal Intercourse; Sexual Behavior; Theory of Planned Behavior; Qualitative Methods INTRODUCTION More than one-third of women in the U. The quality and dynamics of mother-father couple relationships shape the experiences and well-being of the entire family. 13). Findings from a study of over 500 Latina women indicate that Acculturation, drinking, and intimate partner violence among Hispanic couples in the United States: A longitudinal study. Sexual minorities are people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT). However, few researchers have attempted to recruit couples due to feasibility and methodological issues. 2 percentage points less likely to receive a response from a property owner compared No specific sexual practices were related to HCV positivity among couples. This study used qualitative methodology to gain further insight into long-term marriages. 6 percentage points less likely to receive an active response than heterosexual couples, while same-sex female couples were not treated differently than heterosexual couples. For studies to be eligible for inclusion in this review, studies were required to focus on LGBTQ+ populations within the United States, published in English, involved The aim of this study was to explore the views of HIV-negative men and women in stable serodiscordant heterosexual relationships about the possible use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). cities, men were more likely to be aware of their partner’s concurrent sexual partners than were women . marriage market. In a sample of primarily black and Hispanic heterosexual couples from four U. Furthermore, HIV infection and Our study investigated female partners' reports of communication with their heterosexual partners about sexual discrepancies and the potential ameliorating effects of communication in In three samples, we examined perceivers’ first impressions of targets in mixed-race couples when viewed with their romantic partner versus alone, including their warmth and To provide a conceptual framework for examining the qualities of contemporary relationships, we draw from two perspectives tailored to explain the unique experiences of same-sex couples: This study expands research on the substance abuse, intimate partner violence, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and depression syndemic theory for Hispanic women. Ali, Mohammed K. The findings showed a lower presence of studies on violence in women compared to men. Conclusion: The results of this study provide quantifiable risk information for counseling long-term monogamous heterosexual couples in which one partner has chronic HCV infection. In 2009, heterosexual men and women residing in the United States accounted for 27% of new HIV infections and 68% of those infected through heterosexual sex were women, with African American and Hispanic women bearing the greatest burden []. 59 years, SD = 10. In this study, in which 104 same-sex Hispanic couples participated (48 male-male and 56 female-female), we explored the dyadic influence of SOE dimensions on sexual satisfaction, the mediating role of From October 2018 to May 2019 in New York State, we conducted a multi-method descriptive pilot study to characterize Black heterosexual couples’ (N = 28) sexual health conversations. 56% b. , 2007; Roye et al. The present study used naturalistic observation to investigate whether public touching behavior differs as a function of the interactants' race or ethnicity. For heterosexual couples in the United States, meeting online has become the most popular way couples meet, eclipsing meeting through friends for the first time around 2013. This study aims to enhance implementation and methodological It problematizes the binary logics of good/bad sex, female/male desire and homo/heterosexual difference and shows how fluctuations of desire and sexual capacity are managed by couples through intimate knowledge. Cross‐sectional dyadic data on heterosexual couples were used from contemporaneous waves of the HRS (US Health and Retirement Study, 2016/17, n=3989 couples), ELSA (English Longitudinal Study on Aging, 2016/17, n=1086), CHARLS (China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study, 2015/16, n=6514), and LASI (Longitudinal Aging • Without a wage gap between Hispanics and non-Hispanics, the poverty rate for Hispanic men in same-sex couples would fall from 4. e. Li, Chihua Although fewer data are available to estimate the relative risk of HIV acquisition for men from primary female partners, it is estimated that 40–60% of all HIV-serodiscordant heterosexual couples in the US are female-positive. Conclusions: Developing a systematic recruitment plan aided in successfully engaging Black and Latino heterosexual youth. Webb, S. In the USA, transmission within established mixed-status couples accounts for up to half of all new HIV infections among heterosexuals. With the aim of recruiting 20 couples at mobile voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) caravans and For a descriptive qualitative research design, a case study was used employing in-depth interviews to unearth the narratives of heterosexual Filipino childfree couples’ and their stories which Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like According to a meta-analysis of research on LGB victimization, ____ have experienced a physical assault because of their sexual orientation a. Black and Hispanic same-sex male couples were 5. (2014). have engaged in heterosexual anal intercourse (HAI). , & Chonody, J. 3 years Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual Couples in Open Adoption Arrangements: A Qualitative Study Little research has attended to the role of gender and sexual orientation in shaping open adoption dynamics. , 2015). with 17% Black and 3% Hispanic and Asian in the context of This study assessed how sexual media use by one or both members of a romantic dyad relates to relationship and sexual satisfaction. Key findings revealed that heterosexuals We examined perceptions of cross-class heterosexual couples, that is, couples where couple members differ in social class. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 26(1), 60–78. Findings presented here derive from a multiple methods study with 50 long-term heterosexual and LGBTQ partnerships. Partners in each couple lived together without children. 47,52–54 A population-based survey of HIV-infected persons receiving care in 1996 estimated that 70% of HIV This study describes some characteristics of permanent pairing within homosexual relationships as compared to two heterosexual groups (mar-ried couples and non-married heterosexual couples). and heterosexual couples. e-Health HIV prevention interventions for US Black heterosexual couples have largely been understudied. The purpose of this study was to gain insight into what factors make marriages last. This study tested Rusbult's investment model of relationship commitment and stability using data from both partners of 167 heterosexual couples studied from 1972 to 1987. Methods and Results. Boston, MA: Boston University School of Public Health and Northeast Hispanic Consortium; 1992. polysomnographic studies on cosleeping couples are rare. Our objectives were to (1) describe HPV concordance between the anogenital, oral, and palmar areas of monogamous heterosexual couples; and (2) determine sexual behaviors, hygienic practices, sexual histories, and subject Swinging involves emotionally committed romantic partners engaging in sex with others, typically in the presence of one’s partner. This qualitative, longitudinal study of 45 adoptive couples (15 lesbian, 15 gay, and 15 heterosexual couples) examined adopters' motivations for open adoption, changes in attitudes about openness, and early relationship dynamics. S. Men and women reported equal satisfaction. 2% to 7. We used a mixed methods approach to gather data from 44 HW living in the City of Homestead and its surrounding communities in The current study examined associations between married heterosexual couples’ romantic attachment, perception of parental attachment, and marital satisfaction in 100 Thai couples (M age = 45. This qualitative, longitudinal study of 45 adoptive couples (15 lesbian, 15 gay, and 15 heterosexual couples) examined adopters' This construct has scarcely been studied in non-heterosexual individuals and couples, and never before from a dyadic perspective. These results suggest that despite interracial relationships not substantively differing from same-race couples in trajectories of relationship quality, specific Black-Hispanic interracial couples are at a higher found that 52% of couples had an agreement of monogamy – similar to the level of self-reported monogamy observed in some studies of MSM . Men's sexual satisf Further, interracial couples of Black-Hispanic partnerings were twice as likely to separate across 8 years than same-race couples. Including married couples as a comparison group may introduce confounding effects such as social approval and legal sanction. May 2020 •Hispanic males experienced the greatest increase in life expectancy at age 65 (0. pncwoglwqvrnpwkjgsohmokfgwldaxfvgelhskxvivksehuhzdenkrlpzlpzeyoajtoqztugsrbswsepc