Pet speaking part 2 questions. Good morning/afternoon/evening.

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Pet speaking part 2 questions The questions are meant to elicit basic PET Speaking Part 2 - Useful Phrases & Expressions - Free download as PDF File (. Your friend is planning to spend 6 months in England to improve her English. Fakhruddin Babar. It outlines the structure and content of the exam, which consists of 3 parts: [1] Personal questions about familiar topics where the candidate talks about themselves, family, work/studies, hobbies and future plans. Podcast 2 - B1 Cambridge Preliminary Speaking part 2 . PET - Phrasal verbs II - B1 Preliminary Speaking Part 2 - PET Prepositions with time - PET Reading Part 5 (2) - Gold Preliminary Unit 11 Future tenses. This should be a short answer (approximately 30 seconds). You have to be able to follow and understand a range of spoken materials including announcements and discussions about everyday life. Exercise 2. Generally, the topic is something that is accessible for a range of language proficiency levels. Hello, and welcome to another episode and today I'm going to talk about the B1 exam, the Cambridge exam, and more specifically about the speaking exam. topics. Exercise 3. - Part 4 – Practise the Part 2 task. Speaking - Part 2 - PET worksheet LiveWorksheets LiveWorksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to This activity sheet focuses on part 2 of the Cambridge B1 Preliminary (PET) speaking exam, in which candidates have to speak alone for one minute and describe what they can see in a photo. Cambridge A2 Key (KET) Speaking - Example Test One Family. Then, I will ask you two questions about it. IELTS Speaking Part 2 topics. You should say: What the the animal was; When you saw the animal; Where you saw the animal; And explain why you found the animal interesting. di Gs20v. In IELTS speaking part 2, the examiner will give you a cue card task card containing 3-4 questions on a certain topic. Check out my previous lesson plans on Writing Part Continue reading Cambridge PET – Speaking Part 1 This activity sheet focuses on part 2 of the Cambridge B1 Preliminary (PET) speaking exam, in which candidates have to speak alone for one minute and describe what they can see in a photo. These questions can change, but you will always talk about yourself. , and future plans. The IELTS Speaking Part 2 requires the candidate to speak for 2-3 minutes about a given subject. ADJECTIVES LIST7. Pet (Animal Speaking Part 1 PET - Free download as PDF File (. The new B1 IELTS I1 -A1 Speaking part 2 - IELTS Speaking Part Three - IELTS Speaking Part 1: Unusual topics - IELTS speaking part 3 (with prompts) IELTS 5. Use these Speaking Part 1 chat cards as a warmer, cooler or filler. The following are some of the useful vocabulary used in the sample IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a wild animal: Perennial favorite: something that is always popular. If the animal lived in more humane conditions it would undoubtedly feel much happier. SOME USEFUL LANGUAGE Where are you from? 54 IELTS Speaking questions for Part 2 and 3 in PDF with model answers and useful vocabulary. The examiner will give you a colour photograph and ask you to talk about it on your own for about 1 minute. This document provides suggestions for language to use when collaborating on a project. - Use the questions from Part 1 as regular warmers, e. TIME PET Part 1 Personal Questions - Free download as Word Doc (. Each test has 4 parts: 1) introductions and basic questions, 2) a collaborative task where candidates discuss pictures and scenarios, 3) These IELTS Speaking Part 2 questions have been organised into more than 14 different topics with more than 70 questions. This document outlines questions for students to ask each other in pairs about personal details like name, address, hobbies, and school/work. [2] A communication activity where candidates work together to make a decision based on In Phase 2, you get more questions about your hobbies, what you like, what you’ve done, and more. Writing. The students in his class want to give him a present. Exercise 6 PART 2 - SPEAKING: CONVERSATION BETWEEN CANDIDATES A young man in England wants to spend the day with his 12 year old cousin. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a pet you or somebody you know has You 190508684-PET-Speaking-Part-2-Useful-Expressions - Free download as Word Doc (. Discussion – The examiner asks the candidates to discuss different questions which are linked to the topic in Part 3. 000+ resultados para 'pet speaking part 1' D3L1 Los viajes y las vacaciones Cada oveja con su pareja. The document describes 20 test tasks that require two individuals to look at a picture, discuss options shown in the picture, and Câu hỏi thi Speaking PET Part 2 mẫu. useful language 8. A model example of Cambridge part 4 speaking test . The examiner gives you some pictures to help you, for example to make and respond to suggestions, make recommendations, ask for and give opinions, reach an agreement, etc. You can change your answers at any time during the test. Speaking. Part 1 – Part 1 – Geography (Sept~ April 2024) *NEW* Part 1 – Rain – (May ~ Dec. Exercise Number: KEY225. Conversation with the examiner. which coun tries. EXAM PART: Speaking. B1 Preliminary Speaking Exam Parts 1 & 2 – Video Download PDF. Examinees should aim to provide more than one or two word answers. I'm going to do another session on that today but with a completely different type of photograph so we'll be using different vocabulary. 1 PET Practice Test Speaking PET Teacher’s notes In the PET speaking paper, candidates are examined in pairs by two examiners. Information for candidates Prepare for IELTS Speaking Part 2: Cue Cards / Candidate Task Cards for a higher band score IELTS Mentor For the second question, describe what you did with this pet and how amusing it was for you. 2023) – Part 1 – Wild Animals – (May ~ Dec. txt) or view presentation slides online. But don’t worry! There is a way to breeze through it, and in this post, I will show you how. You are presented with a situation where you need to discuss a few options and then choose one of them. You will have 1 minute to prepare your talk and then you will need to speak for 1-2 minutes. With that in mind, the worksheet firstly gives students a photo to describe in pairs by answering a set of questions, and then each person has one minute to This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. The Questions for Speaking Part 2 on the topic Animals. What the examiner says is shown in italics. Over the course of my life, I have been watching a lot of television programs, ranging from scientific to reality shows. You will have to share your opinions with your partner about the task and try to make a decision, using expressions like these: Writing Part 2, Question 6: Your friend Jason has arranged a Probably not. Nếu đề bài yêu cầu bạn miêu tả về một mẫu quảng cáo “Describe an interesting animal”, bạn có thể trình bày theo ý tưởng như sau: In Phase 2, you get more questions about your hobbies, what you like, what you’ve done, and more. It includes phrases for starting a discussion, suggesting ideas, agreeing or partially agreeing with suggestions, disagreeing, expressing SPM 2023 English Paper 3- Part 1 Question Reference- Part 2 Question and Answer Reference- Part 2 Hot Topic - More Question and Answer Your class has been discussing what they use the internet for and your teacher has asked you to write an essay about the importance of the internet to students. However, many contestants still make it difficult for themselves by thinking too deeply, searching for some strange or interesting animals. The first part includes basic questions about name, where they live, subjects studied, and favorite/most difficult subjects. INSTRUCTIONS 4. Community Speaking Pet part 1 Esempi della nostra Community FCE Speaking Part 1 questions Ruota della fortuna. 2 parts/ 2 questions: 25%. Some key details include: - The student lives in Madrid in a flat near school with their parents, sister, niece, and nephew. However, the TV program that I am addicted to is “The Apprentice” on NBC channel. PET. In the last part, or PET Speaking Part 4, the examiner will be part of the conversation about the topic covered in Part 3 through questions that can be asked of you or the other candidate. You are presented with a situation where you need to discuss a few options and then choose one Trong IELTS Speaking Part 2, các bạn sẽ nhận được 1 cue card từ giám khảo yêu cầu bạn nói về một chủ đề nào đó trong khoảng 2 phút. Future speaking (going to or present There are four parts to the speaking test: Speaking part 1: short questions and answers between you and the examiner. by Teachercultura. This document provides an overview and sample questions for the four parts of the PET Speaking exam. Pet 1 Inglés English. In total, IELTS speaking part 2 takes about 3-4 minutes. Ask and answer questions about your family, studies, home town, free time, job. The prompts may Describe an interesting animal – IELTS Speaking Part 2 + 3 is relatively easy for candidates. Nature nerd: a person who loves nature (Noun pet speaking paper part 1: personal questions about familiar topics (3 minutes). education 3. doc / . by Zalkas. There are four parts in the PET speaking test: Part 1: general introductions; Part 2: discussion about a situation; Part 3: photographs; and; You can listen while the other student answers the question. In speaking part 2 the examiner will describe a situation to you and your partner and give you both some visuals. health, medicine and exercise 7. Describe a pet that you or someone you know once had. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. So, if you remember, last week I gave you an example in part 3 - see podcast 117 if you want to refresh your memory. The examiner gives you a colour photograph to look at and asks you to talk about it. Class PIN "Do you have any pets?" a dog, a cat, a hamster, no pets. video: SPEAKING PARTs 3 & 4 (minute 5:41)3. These topics will be repeated so it is worth preparing for them. Part 2: In this part of the test, you are going to describe what is happening in a picture. It then provides scenarios for the students to discuss together such as plans for a class trip to the seaside and Here, you have a full Speaking test. These are speaking practice questions for part 1. docx), PDF File (. KET questions Speaking parts 1&2 Game Code: 2473728 English 83 Public KET Speaking. Describe an interesting animal that you have seen. Here are some IELTS Vocabulary to use while answering the cue card 'Describe a wild animal from your country' with examples: . Exercise 5. Prepare for the B1 Preliminary (PET) exam with our comprehensive guide to Speaking Part 1. Today, I’m going to continue talking about the Speaking Exam, which is divided into four parts: Part 1 – Interview; Part 2 – Extended Turn; Part 3 – Discussion; Part 4 – General Conversation. Hy vọng The document provides sample questions and answers for a PET speaking exam related to topics like home and family, hobbies, personal experiences, and interests. A family with two teenage children is planning a holiday and they want to Part 3 of the PET Speaking exam lasts about 3 minutes. Are you available for speaking practice? Part 1: You will be asked questions individually by the examiner. The document provides information about Part 1 of the PET Speaking exam: - Part 1 lasts 2-3 minutes and involves basic questions about the examinee's life to break the ice, such as their name, where they live, studies and hobbies - Examinees should aim to provide more than just The IELTS Speaking test comprises 3 sections, namely introduction, cue card and follow up questions. Describe this picture. Cue card: Describe a wild animal. When you have finished talking, the examiner will give yourpartner a different photograph to look at Preliminary (PET / B1) Writing Part 3. Part 2. 2 - Questions Speaking cards. Each candidate gets a different picture. Watch the B1 Preliminary Speaking test video parts 1 and 2 (the first four minutes). And part two of the speaking exam, which is talking about or describing a picture or photo. Can I have your mark sheets, please? PET SPEAKING PART 1. Camouflage: use of materials, coloration, or illumination for concealment, by making animals or objects hard to see (or disguising them as b1 cambridge. 34 PET Speaking Practice - Parts 1&2 - Free download as Word Doc (. "Why should we take B1 Preliminary for Schools Speaking Part 2 . Examples from our community B2 Speaking Part 1 questions - Random cards Speaking cards. Time: 45 minutes. Ok! So that's enough of the theory! Let's listen to an example of answering questions in part 4. Community Pet b1. - Play a recording or video of a sample Part 1 or show students the tapescript of one The document provides examples of tasks that could be used in Part 2 of the Cambridge Pet Speaking Test. Cooking 3. You have 1 minute to prepare before speaking for up to 2 minutes on the topic. Note down examples of what Kenza does well and not so well for each of the questions in the Watch the B1 Preliminary Speaking test video part 2 (from about 2 minutes to about 5 minutes). You should say: and say whether this is a popular type of pet or "Do you usually use public transport?" Describe the picture and answer the question. Pet speaking visuals part 2 . The topics involve making decisions as a group about gifts, school trips, and items to bring to England. Explore a variety of speaking questions and topics for B1 level. 21 PART 3 Photograph description * opinion words (I think, I guess, I believe, it seems to me that, I don’t think, it must be, it could be, one possibility is that, to my mind, as far as I am concerned, I tend to think that, my personal view is that) * whereabouts (at the top, at the bottom, in the left-hand corner, in the background, in the front) there is, there are/it must be winter A few months ago I gave you some help with doing Part 2 speaking for Cambridge PET or Preliminary exam. PET - Phrasal verbs II Complete the sentence. "What do you do in your free time?" PET-speaking-part-2 - Free download as PDF File (. This made me wonder whether there is something I can do to help B1 (PET) candidates avoid the well-known “I CAN SEE” in B1 Preliminary Speaking Part 2. It includes questions about where they are from, their family, school subjects, hobbies, qualities in friends, Pet Speaking Part Script - Free download as Word Doc (. You should say: Then, the examiner will ask questions. por Macarenacarigna. Together, you will need to discuss, make Cambridge PET Speaking Exam Part 2 In this part of the speaking exam, you need to work with your partner to make a decision. Picture 1: Samples answer: CAE Speaking Part 2 questions with answer. "Do you enjoy being outdoors?" Describe the picture and answer the question. Updated: Aug 1, 2024. Practice speaking questions and topics for the B1 level. In this part IELTS Speaking Part 2 Cue Cards / Topics to focus on for 2024. STRUCTURE 2. Master speaking questions and topics to excel in your B1 speaking test. Speaking 1. by Beatrice122. With that in mind, the worksheet firstly gives students a photo to describe in pairs by answering a set of questions, and then each person has one minute to Cambridge Speaking Practice: Students will watch an example of a Cambridge PET part 2 speaking and then answer some short questions. Now that you know that there are four parts to the Speaking exam in PET it is time to look at them one by one. In Part 2 you have to listen while the teacher explains a situation. I. In the second part, which is also 2-3 Phase 2 questions (select one or more for each candidate): What do you like doing in your free time? Do you play any sports? Which ones? What did you do last weekend? What's your The document provides examples of tasks that could be used in Part 2 of the Cambridge Pet Speaking Test. Here are the ones which are most likely to come up in this part of the exam. The tasks involve discussing different options presented in pictures and deciding on the best option. lydinh-2024-11-27. And, you have to speak upto 2 minutes till the examiner asks you to stop. The test lasts approximately 10–12 minutes and consists of 4 parts: Part 1 A general conversation between the examiner and each of the candidates (personal information, how to spell the candidates’ names, a description of a typical Speaking - Part 2 (PET) 1081695 worksheets by Estefania_Gallardo . The paired candidate format A paired version of the test materials can be provided using: A list of common topics and questions for IELTS speaking part 2. This document provides examples of potential topics and prompts that could be used for Part 2 of the Cambridge Pet Speaking Test. Describe a wild animal. Cambridge PET Speaking Exam Part 2 In this part of the speaking exam, you need to work with your partner to make a decision. This is why so many people struggle with this part of the PET speaking exam. 2) It is important to understand that the examiner is very interested in how you communicate. In this guide you can find out everything you need to know. The examiner may ask one or two follow-up questions after you finish your long turn. Title: Microsoft Word - Preliminary (PET) Speaking Part 2 - Pictures - Eating Prepare for the B1 Preliminary (PET) exam with our comprehensive guide to Speaking Part 1. Speaking Part One: Interview 2-3 minutes. Good morning/afternoon/evening. daily life 2. IELTS Speaking Part 2 can include lots of different topics. The worksheet focuses on part 2 of the Cambridge B1 PET speaking exam, in which candidates have to speak alone for one minute and describe what they can see in a photo. Thank you! Product. Comunidad Pet speaking part 1. 5 Speaking section 2 questions Speaking cards. Dancing at a party . In this Part, each candidate is given a photo and asked to talk about it for one minute. The conversations encourage describing photos and Speaking Test Part 1 (2 Phase 2 Interlocutor Select one or more questions from the list 2. Tell them to use this link to Here, you have a full Speaking test. It is a pack animal and gets really attached to the people it lives with and when it loses its pack, it suffers emotional distress and even end up in a dog pound, possibly put down Prepare for the B1 Preliminary (PET) exam with our speaking practice. He was a golden retriever, and let me tell you, he was the epitome of a good boy. See more On this page, you will find example speaking tests to help you prepare for the Speaking part of the B1 Preliminary exam. Unlike higher levels, there are no questions or prompts to help you along the way. Here's an example: "A girl is going to spend two weeks living with a family in England to improve her English. This document contains two sets of questions for a PET speaking examination. PET Speaking Exam - How to Do Part Prepare for IELTS Speaking Part 2: Cue Cards / Candidate Task Cards for a higher band score IELTS Mentor For the second question, describe what you did with this pet and how amusing it was for you. Oh, let me tell you about my friend’s pet dog, Max. Community Pet. Speaking - Part 2 (PET) worksheet Live Worksheets Liveworksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to Speaking part 2 card + Speaking part 3 questions related to the topic from the card. Brainstorm PET speaking part 2 - USEFUL LANGUAGE FOR SPEAKING PART 3 PET FOR SCHOOLS - KET and PET Speaking Part 1 - PET Speaking Part 2 - FCE Speaking Part 1 questions . Interview questions - Free download as PDF File (. You should discuss with her that the most In IELTS Speaking Part 1, to answer the IELTS examiner’s questions in a natural and fluent way, you should focus on one idea only and then expand that idea into a long meaningful sentence using grammar patterns and Preliminary (PET) Reading Part 2 is a matching task. You will have 45 seconds for each response. Spell a word. With that in mind, the worksheet firstly gives students a photo to describe in pairs by answering a set of questions, and then each person has one minute to describe another Preliminary (PET) Speaking Part 2 Plan – Describing a picture . Speaking part 2 is called: “The Talk” A face to face talk with the examiner (3-4 minutes) You will be given a topic card (cue card). EXAM SKILLS: Discussing familiar topics, discourse management. As students get closer to their exam date, they should be able to give nice extended, but concise, answers to these questions. In the second part, which is also 2-3 minutes, you describe a picture for about a minute. You will be given 1 minute preparation time to think about ideas to speak. You are given 5 people who have to be matched to Pictures to describe for Preliminary (PET) Speaking Part 2 Vocabulary You Can Use to Answer IELTS Speaking Part 2 Questions on Wild Animals. In the next part of the test, PET Speaking Part 2, the examiner will show you a photograph and you’ll be asked to describe what you see. Tips đạt điểm cao Part 1 – Speaking PET. . Evolve 1 - Unit 1. Play Study Slideshow Share Lizabakt 216 Share KET questions Speaking parts 1&2. Don’t forget that Part 2 and 3 have similar topics so we have grouped them for your convenience. The examiner will give you a colourphotograph to look at and ask you to talk about it. Can I have your mark sheets, please? PET Speaking Part 1 questions with answers; PET Speaking Part 2 questions with answers; Trên đây là những thông tin về bài thi PET Speaking Part 3 cùng một số đề bài và câu trả lời mẫu để bạn học tham khảo. by Angeleshd23. IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card. Learn about answering questions and describing a picture. Part 1 lasts 2-3 minutes and involves basic questions about the examinee such as where they live, study, and hobbies. Ejemplos de nuestra comunidad 10. Part 2 lasts 2-3 minutes and involves a Speaking PET part 2 595769 worksheets by Jenny Salcedo . PET Speaking Part 1 - Free download as Word Doc (. The examiner asks questions and you give information about yourself, talk about past experiences, present job, studies, where you live, etc. With that in mind, the worksheet firstly gives students a photo to describe in pairs by answering a set of questions, and then each person has one minute to 100 CELPIP Speaking Part 1 and 2 Questions: In this post, we’ve gathered 100 CELPIP Speaking Part 1 and Part 2 questions to help you build your skills and get familiar with the exam format. txt) or read online for free. Join the – Endangered species: a type of animal or plant that might stop existing because there are only a few of that type alive Ex: white tiger is an endangered species – Make a great effort : the physical or mental energy that you need to do something; something that takes a lot of energy Sample Answer. 15 9. The vocabulary is highlighted and has definitions with examples to help you score higher in your IELTS Speaking part. Speaking, part 2. Shows you can use vocabulary and structure correctly. This document contains scripts for 4 speaking tests as part of a PET (Preliminary English Test) examination. I like being a part of the club because I have met many PET Speaking Part 1 questions; PET Speaking Part 2 questions; IV. Swimming 4. Breakout English . Explore the topics and questions you'll encounter. The second part provides example E:\PET Speaking Exam advice sheet for tutorials. A dog becomes part of a family. Evolve 1 ELA Speaking. EXAM SKILLS: Expressing We know how stressful it can be to find materials to help students to prepare for upcoming English exams, so we've got your back with our new ESL B1 PET Speaking Part 2 Practice Worksheet! This great resource is suitable for students of all ages who are preparing to take the Cambridge B1 PET exam, as it focuses on part 2 of the speaking exam in which The worksheet focuses on part 2 of the Cambridge B1 PET speaking exam, in which candidates have to speak alone for one minute and describe what they can see in a photo. Here you can explore new topics in the first part of Speaking: There are also new topics in the 2nd and 3rd parts. entertainment and media 4. 25%. food and drink 5. The beginning of a speaking exam can be a nerve-racking experience. Rated 0 out of 5 stars. My English learners have shown good control of the language structures, great listening and reading comprehension skills. PET Speaking Part 4 Exam Preparation - Free download as Word Doc (. 2/5/2021 11:34:56 AM There was a time when I used to be afraid of dogs. With that in mind, the worksheet firstly gives students a photo to describe in pairs by answering a set of questions, and then each person has one minute to describe another At this point, the examiner will probably ask you another question. Information for candidates. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. Questions 1-32 carry one mark. For example, a topic about shopping can be talked about by Practise with these PET Speaking Part 3 tasks and Part 4 questions. The document contains an interview questionnaire covering topics about the interviewee's home town, family, work/studies, hobbies, friends, and future plans. Jan 24, 2024 2 min read. In January 2020, new topics and questions were added to the Speaking part. Listening (30 minutes, including 6 minutes’ transfer time) See sample paper. 3. Physical description: Guess who? Quiz. The examiner will ask simple questions to learn about the examinee, IELTS Speaking Part 2, also known as "The Long Turn" or "Cue Card Task," is a crucial component of the IELTS Speaking test. 4 parts/ 25 questions. As specified in the official Cambridge Preliminary (PET) handbook, there are certain topics that are expected at B1 level. USEFUL EXPRESSIONS FOR PET SPEAKING PART 2 Beginning OK, we need to decide what to buy / get / do /where to go / what we should take [objects on a journey] So, which of these are the most important / Until 2020 this was Part 2. This part of the test evaluates your ability to organize your thoughts and speak spontaneously on a given subject. Complete the plan to de sign the perfect Speaking Part 2 : Ok. With that in mind, the worksheet firstly gives students a photo to describe in pairs by answering a set of questions, and then each person has one minute to Impromptu Speech Topics (Talk for a minute) - health speaking cards - KET and PET Speaking Part 1 - What if? - Picture Questions A2. your names and spell them. A boy is leaving his school because his parents are going to work in another country. Examples from our community PET Speaking Questions Part 1 with sound Speaking cards. SPEAKING PARTS 3 & 4. PET Speaking Exam - How to Do Part Pets – IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic. I’m going to describe a situation to you. Part 3 You each have a chance to talk by yourselves. Extend the activity by having your students make their own! EXAM PART: Speaking. 2 likes. exercise 1. He doesn't want to STRUCTURE 2. Describe a kind of pet that you have or would like to have in the future. Closing questions: Is this animal This document provides examples of potential topics and prompts that could be used for Part 2 of the Cambridge Pet Speaking Test. In this part of the test you will have to interact with your partner to build a conversation. IELTS Speaking Part 2: what is it? In IELTS Speaking Part 2, you give a talk. 2. In the second part, which is also 2-3 This activity sheet focuses on part 2 of the Cambridge B1 Preliminary (PET) speaking exam, in which candidates have to speak alone for one minute and describe what they can see in a photo. Kiến thức VSTEP CAE Speaking Part 3 questions with answer. In part 2 of the First (FCE) Speaking Exam you will be asked to compare two pictures and to answer a question about those pictures. Speaking part 2: d escribe one colour photograph, talking for about 1 minute. Then the teacher will give you a picture and repeat the situation. 3 The document provides sample questions and answers for a PET speaking exam related to topics like home and family, hobbies, personal experiences, and interests. Trong Part 1, bạn sẽ được yêu cầu trả lời các câu hỏi, đưa ra các thông tin cá nhân về thói quen hàng ngày, sở thích có thể Tips for Specific IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics. In Part 2 of the Speaking test, students describe one colour photograph, followup questions and clarify any points. With that in mind, the worksheet firstly gives students a photo to describe in pairs by answering a set of questions, and then each person has one minute to On this page, you will find example speaking tests to help you prepare for the Speaking part of the A2 Key exam. Tell me about a time you learned something online. Write your answer in Tips đạt điểm tối đa Speaking PET Cambridge 2. The examiner then asks you questions about yourself, your daily life, interests, etc. ten thi ngs you wo uld take on a trip to each Speaking Part 1 Part 1 of the PET Speaking exam lasts about 2-3 minutes. Whether you’re preparing for everyday situations or personal experiences, these questions will give you the practice you need to ace your CELPIP test! In this post, I’m going to examine the task in B1 Preliminary Speaking Part 2. 1. Understanding IELTS Speaking Part 2. The document provides prompts for discussing various topics that could be covered in an Here is my essential guide to Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking test. We have compiled a detailed list for you. telling your partner what you did last night. Your partner will then be asked a question about your pictures. During Part 1 the examiner will ask you some easy questions to find out more about you such as about your studies, where you live or what hobbies or interests you have. Painting a picture 7. Ask questions to get as much information as you can about the scenario or situation (VERY IMPORTANT). Difficult to advertize Spin the wheel. Speaking PET part 2 worksheet LiveWorksheets LiveWorksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to the teacher. B1 PET informal email writing Group sort. English Inglese. My uncle gifted me a dog 2 years ago and I told him that I was too [] Home; Apply Online; Ask a Question; branches; Courses. The speaking section is divided into TWO parts and involves both speaking alone and speaking with another candidate. TASK PART 4 6. How to improve PET Speaking Part 2. g. FCE - Part 01 - Speaking questions Spin the wheel. doc), PDF File (. The examiner will ask easy questions to learn about the examinee, such as where they live, their studies, or hobbies. Bravo! There’s been something not fully up to scratch, though. The different parts of the Speaking paper. If you have been following me for some time, then you know I have a series on PET Cambridge exam preparation. I like being a part of the club because I have met many First (FCE) Speaking Part 2 Example. Lưu ý khi làm PET Speaking Part 4. IELTS Speaking Part 2 PET Speaking - Free download as Word Doc (. The questions will be about your life and you may be asked questions about the present, past and future. Give opinions and offer advice, suggestions or recommendations. Walking the dog 5. speaking part 4. Interlocutor Now, in this part of the test you’re going to talk about something together for about two minutes. Community Speaking Pet. In IELTS Speaking Part 2, you will be given a cue card with a topic and prompts. Enhance your B1 Preliminary (PET) exam preparation with our comprehensive speaking practice. The speaking section is divided into FOUR parts and involves both Prepare for the B1 Preliminary (PET) exam with our speaking practice. Updated every 4 months with high-band answers to every IELTS Speaking question. English B2 Exam. ; You should be prepared to speak for 2 minutes (the examiner will ask you to speak for 1 to 2 minutes: ignore this!Aim to speak for 2 minutes. IELTS Speaking Topic – Animals and pets #3 This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. During my last holiday, I [briefly describe how you spent it, e. . PET Prepositions with time - B1 Preliminary Speaking Part 2 - PET Speaking Questions Part 1 with sound - Part 2 PET speaking expressions with sounds. Part 2 (2–3 minutes)You and your partner will each have a chance to talk on your own. Part 1 of the PET Speaking exam lasts 2-3 minutes. 15 8. PET Speaking part 1 Spin the wheel. doc 1 PET SPEAKING EXAM PART 1 : PERSONAL INFORMATION (2-3 minutes) In PART 1 you have to: Give personal information. Post not marked as liked 2. PET (B1) KET (A2) Writing (110) Listening (80) Speaking (80) Reading (100) Part 1 (20) Exercise 1. IELTS Speaking Part 2 question and answer: Describe a wild animal 1. pdf), Text File (. If you are a pet lover or the person who had it is a pet lover, mention most of the good things (your liking/ the person’s soft corner about Part 2 – Choice task: Writing an article or Writing a story. 2 - Questions - FCE - Part 01 - Speaking questions. There you go, you people! Here's a useful compilation of PET Speaking Part 2 phrases & expressions for you to make the most of! Cheers! Alex PET Speaking Part 1 - Free download as Word Doc (. So here we go! from the assessment scales have been turned into questions. Speaking - Part 2 Next Test Mark as completed Start conversation. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. Cambridge A2 Key (KET) Speaking 10,000+ results for 'speaking pet' Celebrities Speaking cards. TASK PART 3 5. free time 6. Below are some tips for addressing topic-specific questions in IELTS Speaking Part 2: Understand the Prompt: Read the topic carefully and identify key points to address. Preliminary (PET) Speaking Parts 3 & 4 . I don’t think the PET exam’s picture description section is too difficult unless your students have trouble with basic vocabulary. Để tối ưu điểm số trong phần thi PET Speaking Part 4, bạn cần lưu ý một số điều sau: Không trả lời quá ngắn: Mỗi câu trả lời nên dài ít nhất 2-3 câu và có sự phát triển ý PET for Schools. Practice the questions as much as you can so you are confident on the day of your exam. IELTS Speaking Part 3 Important Topics with Answers for 2024-25 Questions and Answers IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topics & Questions Here is an 43. So Preliminary (PET) Speaking Part 2 – Spending time outside . Today I’m talking about the B1 Preliminary Speaking Exam – Part 2: Extended Turn. PET Speaking: Part 2. Speaking part 3: make and respond to suggestions, discuss alternatives and negotiate agreement. Teaching Online Lesson Notes . Speaking Part 1 is designed to break the ice and get to know the candidates. look at the pictures of the two places below. Speaking part 4: discuss likes, dislikes, experiences IELTS Speaking Part-3 Animals & Pets / Wild Animal . Either have your students practise in pairs or put them in groups of three with one examiner and two candidates. This type of scene is quite common - it's a family scene in a kitchen - people doing some cooking. D3L1 Los viajes y las vacaciones - FCE Speaking Part 1 (Silvana) - Evolve 1 - Unit 1. Talk 1) In part 4 of the PET speaking exam you and your partner will be required to speak to each other about the subject of the photographs in part 3. 1. Instructions to candidates. Answer all the questions. B1 PRELIMINARY – WRITING TASKS (PART 3) - Write 100 words USEFUL LANGUAGE Informal Letter - openers: Greetings: This activity sheet focuses on part 2 of the Cambridge B1 Preliminary (PET) speaking exam, in which candidates have to speak alone for one minute and describe what they can see in a photo. APTIS Speaking Part 2: Example Question #1. Answer the Part 1 question and one question from Part 2. "What’s your favorite food?" pizza, sushi, pasta. They require test takers to talk together about potential choices like places to visit on a school trip, gifts for a classmate who is moving away, important items for a friend At B1 Preliminary (PET) level, describing a picture comes up in Part 2 of the speaking exam. If you are a pet lover or the person who had it is a pet lover, mention most of the good things (your liking/ the person’s soft corner about Speaking Test 1 (Leaving present) Part 2 (2-3 minutes) Interlocutor Say to both candidates: I’m going to describe a situation to you. Subscription required. Exercise 4. In Phase 2, you get more questions about your hobbies, what you like, what you’ve done, and more. Improve your score in the Cambridge B1 Preliminary speaking exam parts 1 and 2. Tell students that they are going to do the Part 2 Speaking test. 2023) – Part 2 & 3 – No new topics added < — Back to the full list of IELTS Speaking topics This activity sheet focuses on part 2 of the Cambridge B1 Preliminary (PET) speaking exam, in which candidates have to speak alone for one minute and describe what they can see in a photo. Candidates have approximately 1 minute to talk about anything and everything they can see in the picture. Let’s see. Part 2 PET speaking expressions with sounds Group sort. Let’s look at one of the photos that appears on page 61 of the B1 This document provides prompts for conversations on various topics such as presents for a sporty friend, movies, dates, transportation options, pets, and places to eat. Speaking - Part 2 - PET 1700942 worksheets by Estefania_Gallardo . A-level Preparation IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic: Favorite Drama Character; IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic: Favorite sport IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions and The document provides sample questions for a PET speaking test that is divided into two parts. This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. Unit 3 In Phase 2, you get more questions about your hobbies, what you like, what you’ve done, and more. are they? write . Coexist (v) – to live together, More IELTS Speaking questions, same topic:: More IELTS Speaking questions, next topic. Part 1 consists of 10 questions that candidates will have about 1 minute each to answer, covering topics like their name, where they live, what they study or do for a living, subjects they liked/disliked in school, their family, and hobbies. Part 2 The examiner asks you to talk about something together and gives you a drawing to help you. You have one minute to complete the task. In Part 2, the examiner describes a situation, and you and your partner talk about it for 2–3 minutes. , "I went to the beach with my family and enjoyed some quality time together. If this is useful in the future I would like to add vocabulary (at the moment I am using it with a textbook) 1. The document provides guidance for candidates taking a PET speaking exam. Every question, answered. B1 Preliminary for Schools Digital Reading Sample Test. Reading a book 6. tcze ehqioq pbkf mjyqbgr ivgepv dcn qptcf ipsxnx ewtf jjuy bra ytsli holxh ekgvj jyrurmnw