Cloudflare speed test.
Explore the raw Cloudflare Speed Test data at M-Lab.
- Cloudflare speed test It provides various options to customize test parameters and filter results based on specific Explore the raw Cloudflare Speed Test data at M-Lab. Cloudflare WARP Speed Test is a command-line tool for testing the latency and speed of Cloudflare WARP IP addresses and obtaining information about the minimum latency and available ports. Cloudflare API HTTP. 496 visit_scheme=https uag=Mozilla/5. 77. The specific measurements to be performed by the test engine (and their sequence) can be customized using the measurements config option. API Reference. Consequently, certain countries may be excluded from the rankings, even though their data can be found in other sections of Radar. Beyond testing speed, Cloudflare also offers free CDN services, which can boost website performance and reduce latency. 1 Like. Cloudflare Radar API Copy link. This should be an array of objects, Test your network connection and gain insights using the Cloudflare Speed Test tool. Get speed tests summary. Observatory uses synthetic tests and real user data from browsers to assess the performance of your website. List Page Test History-> V4PagePaginationArray < Test > get / zones / {zone_id} / speed_api / pages / {url} / tests. Test history (list of tests) for a Explore the raw Cloudflare Speed Test data at M-Lab. Cloudflare Radar API. Find out why Cloudflare is a reliable and privacy-focused service provider for your internet connection. Their API is not documented, as far as I know, and so that is a potential breaking point for this code. 「自选优选 Test your network connection and gain insights using the Cloudflare Speed Test tool. Test your network connection and gain insights using the Cloudflare Speed Test tool. The value for this header is an URL that hosts an opinionated Speculation-Rules configuration. HTTP/3 improves page load times in a similar way to HTTP/2. What performance metrics will a site speed test provide? The basic Cloudflare speed test measures the following: Interact with Cloudflare's products and services via the Cloudflare API. Powered by Cloudflare's global edge network. 6 ts=1739625801. com speed test tool, which enabled users to test the performance and quality of their Internet connection. Netflix Fast, in that it runs the measurements automatically when you connect to the site. // Automatically fetches more pages as needed. Test your network connection and gain insights using the Cloudflare Speed Test tool Beyond testing speed, Cloudflare also offers free CDN services, which can boost website performance and reduce latency. Connection Quality Copy link. Improve speed. CloudFlare CDN: This speed test is hosted on the CloudFlare CDN. 国外很多网站都在使用 Cloudflare CDN,但分配给中国访客的 IP 并不友好。 虽然 Cloudflare 公开了所有 IP 段 ,但想要在这么多 IP 中找到适合自己的不好找。 快速使用 下载运行 下载编译好的可执行文件 蓝奏云 / Github 并解压。 双击运行 CloudflareST. The tool will automatically measure your download speed, upload speed, latency (ping), and jitter. Apr 25, 2023 · 缙哥哥分享了如何使用 Cloudflare Speed Test 这个免费的在线工具来测试你的互联网连接速度和延迟。Cloudflare Speed Test 是一个内容交付网络 (CDN) 提供的速度测试网站,可以自动检测你的位置并提供最近的服务器。 国外很多网站都在使用 Cloudflare CDN,但分配给中国内地访客的 IP 并不友好(延迟高、丢包多、速度慢)。 虽然 Cloudflare 公开了所有 IP 段 ,但想要在这么多 IP 中找到适合自己的,怕是要累死,于是就有了这个软件。. Docs Feedback. Docs. Visit the API reference developers. Verified Bots. for await (const test of client. Run a speed test 1. You can see all of the testing metrics in real time, not just after the test is Test your network connection and gain insights using the Cloudflare Speed Test tool @cloudflare/speedtest is a JavaScript module to measure the quality of a client’s Internet connection. AIM uses a scoring rubric that assigns point values based on speed tests to help you understand how your Internet quality will perform for streaming, gaming, and webchat/real-time communication A little more than three years ago, as residential Internet connections were strained because of the shift towards working and learning from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Cloudflare announced the speed. / speed_api / pages / {url} / tests / {test_id} Retrieves the result of a specific test. Test history (list of Interact with Cloudflare's products and services via the Cloudflare API. Search. When you connect to any speed test, it typically tries to fetch a large file (important for video streaming), performs a packet loss test (important for gaming), measures jitter (important for video/VoIP calls), and latency (important for all Internet use cases). Network analytics. Check your network performance with our Internet speed test. Test history (list of tests) for a Cloudflare WARP Speed Test is a command-line tool for testing the latency and speed of Cloudflare WARP IP addresses and obtaining information about the minimum latency and available ports, then automatically set the best endpoint and try to connect. Test history (list of delete / zones / {zone_id} / speed_api / pages / {url} / tests Deletes all tests for a specific webpage from a specific region. Ookla Speedtest using this comparison chart. This is useful because much of the content users would be retrieving Test your network connection and gain insights using the Cloudflare Speed Test tool. Compare price, features, and reviews of the software side-by-side to make the best choice for your business. com, and CloudFlare being some of the most well-known options. com. Get top speed test locations. To stop the test early, close the web page. tests. com to be a very simple and fast speed test. Cloudflare Radar + Explore the raw Cloudflare Speed Test data at M-Lab. Interact with Cloudflare's products and services via the Cloudflare API Use Speedtest on all your devices with our free desktop and mobile apps. com test results Explore the raw Cloudflare Speed Test data at M-Lab. Test {} Speed Schedule. Cloudflare API TypeScript. Interact with Cloudflare's products and services via the Cloudflare API. To test that Speed Brain is enabled, you can check that your HTTP response headers for your web pages include the Speculation Explore the raw Cloudflare Speed Test data at M-Lab. The information in this page is also freely available from our API. If you click on the three HTTP/3 uses QUIC, which is a secure-by-default transport protocol. pages. Speed index ↗: Measures how quickly content is visually displayed during page load Explore the raw Cloudflare Speed Test data at M-Lab. Cloudflare then uses the analysis run by Observatory to recommend optimizations with the tools that best suit your performance issues. Within the tool, users can download the What makes Cloudflare's speed test stand out is the level of detail provided to the user during and after the test. Hello, I mean: image 1920×1080 148 KB. If you leave your speed tab open, your test is still going to run. When Cloudflare's Speed Brain feature is enabled, an HTTP header called Speculation-Rules is added to web page responses. Routing Explore the raw Cloudflare Speed Test data at M-Lab. (Status code: 403) I checked with the hosting (cloudways) and on their end there are no blocking. Designed to help Feb 6, 2025 · 基本的 Cloudflare 速度测试会衡量以下指标: 加载时间: Web 浏览器完成下载和显示网页所花费的时间(以毫秒为单位) 首字节时间 (TTFB): 浏览器需要多长时间才能从 2 days ago · Learn how to use @cloudflare/speedtest, a npm package that performs test requests against the Cloudflare edge network and extracts timing results. Displays speed test metadata--display-summary: True: Displays speed test summary--display-json: Displays speed test results in JSON format--output-csv : Specifies the file path to output speed test results in CSV format--output-json : Specifies the file path to output speed test results in JSON format--force-new The cloudflare module makes Python requests to various endpoints of speed. If your connection is fast enough to completely download the large file, the download restarts (seen in the graph by a vertical red line). Get top speed test autonomous systems. Use Speedtest on all your devices with our free desktop and mobile apps. anon9246926 June 2, 2023, 9:17pm 7. Ranking. Also, we use Wordfence. In speed, latency, and jitter rankings, only countries where users run speed tests with sufficient regularity are included. Interact with Cloudflare's products and services via the Cloudflare API Interact with Cloudflare's products and services via the Cloudflare API. It is fast and the results are intuitive. Bandwidth and latency trends and insights from AS13046 ASN-ISKON ISKON INTERNET. Some of these metrics are presented for synthetic tests and the real user monitoring, and others only apply to synthetic tests or only to real user monitoring. 0 AppleWebKit/537. Your internet service provider Test your network connection and gain insights using the Cloudflare Speed Test tool. The test result page shows you how your website performed regarding several key industry metrics. list ('example. Run a second speed test to get your baseline performance with Cloudflare. Within the tool, users can download the Test your network connection and gain insights using the Cloudflare Speed Test tool. Cloudflare Speed Test is an excellent tool for measuring and analyzing your internet connection’s performance. CloudflareSpeedTest 是一个开源软件,可以测试 Cloudflare CDN 的各个 IP 段的延迟和速度,帮助用户找到最快的 IP。支持 Windows、Linux、Android、IOS 等平台,也可以测试其他 CDN / 网站 IP。 Use Speedtest on all your devices with our free desktop and mobile apps. Abuse Reports. The new Internet Quality page on Cloudflare Radar provides both country and network (autonomous system) level insight into Internet connection performance (bandwidth) and quality (latency, jitter) over time based on benchmark test data as well as speed. get / zones / {zone_id} / speed_api / pages / {url} / tests / {test_id} Retrieves the result of a specific test. net. 167. Domain types. Account & User Management. Whether you’re looking for basic metrics like download and upload speed or more advanced data such as latency under load and jitter, Cloudflare’s tool provides the information you need to optimize your online experience. com Topics download test internet latency network upload ping speedtest speed bandwidth connection hacktoberfest Explore the raw Cloudflare Speed Test data at M-Lab. Test your internet speed! Test your internet speed! Cloudflare Network - - Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Azure Cloud (eastus2) 52. Customize the Apr 24, 2023 · Learn how to use Cloudflare Speed Test, a free online tool that measures your download, upload and latency rates. Based on the results of these speed tests, you may want to explore other ways to optimize your site speed using Cloudflare. 36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2. Test history (list of Discussion on selecting a server for Cloudflare's new speed test tool. Test your internet speed on any device with our free Speedtest app. Traffic Anomalies. Cloudflare API Go. 0 (Linux; Android 11; moto g power Test your network connection and gain insights using the Cloudflare Speed Test tool. These data sources produce metrics that provide different types of insights into your website’s performance. Connections. Speed. com', { zone_id . Step 2: Start the Speed Test. create (url, params, options?): Test. Hi, Everytime I want to run the speed test, it fails with the following error: Before you run another test, check the URL is correct, the server is responding, and the firewall is not blocking requests. Test your Internet connection and check network performance with Cloudflare's speed test. Domain Test your network connection and gain insights using the Cloudflare Speed Test tool. Learn more www. The test takes a moment to complete as it will perform a number of operations including multiple file downloads. 📈 Measure the speed and consistency of your internet connection using speed. tests. Get speed tests histogram. 4. Test = { id, date Explore the raw Cloudflare Speed Test data at M-Lab. Test history (list of tests) for a specific webpage. API Email + API Key. Robots TXT. Explore the raw Cloudflare Speed Test data at M-Lab. Introducing the Cloudflare Radar Internet Quality Page. However, the QUIC transport protocol solves TCP's head-of-line blocking problem, meaning that Test your network connection and gain insights using the Cloudflare Speed Test tool. Cloudflare Magic Network Monitoring provides end-to-end network traffic visibility, real-time alerts, and DDoS attack identification from a single, integrated dashboard. Visualize packet and bit-level data with Cloudflare Cloudflare's Speed Test is very light weight web app to measure the performance of your home network. Click Start to begin the test. speed. To restart the test, refresh the web page. Test history (list of tests) for a Test your network connection and gain insights using the Cloudflare Speed Test tool. Receive automatic analytics and alerts on network- and transport-layer traffic patterns and DDoS attacks. Cloudflare uses test sites from its own network of caching and hosting centers. com ip=40. TCP Resets Timeouts. Latest version: 1. Note. Download speed is most relevant for people who are consuming content on the Internet, and we want FAST. exe文件(Windows),等待测速完成 Compare Cloudflare Speed Test vs. Overview. See installation, usage, A Aug 3, 2021 · 介绍了 Cloudflare 测速网站 speed. As of now, no upload tests and the accuracy can be improved while enabling latency measurement during download tests. Test my connection speed. delete / zones / {zone_id} / speed_api / pages / {url} / tests. Different Speed Tests Report Different Results There are plenty of internet speed test services to choose from, with Speedtest. measurementlab. Test history (list of A speed test is a point-in-time measurement of your Internet connection. It's the measurement engine that powers the Cloudflare speedtest measurement application available at https://speed. What about ping, latency, upload and other things? When you click the “Show more info” button, you can see your upload speed and connection latency (ping). 1, last published: 19 days ago. speed. cloudflare. Top. Ookla Speedtest Comparison Test your network connection and gain insights using the Cloudflare Speed Test tool. pages. client. 0 Test your network connection and gain insights using the Cloudflare Speed Test tool. Cloudflare's announcement hints that Speed Test measures upload speed as well but Explore the raw Cloudflare Speed Test data at M-Lab. These measurements reflect different aspects of your network performance: Test your network connection and gain insights using the Cloudflare Speed Test tool. g. Cloudflare Speed Test measures latency multiple times over the course of the test. What should I check? Thank you Test your internet speed on all devices with free Speedtest apps. Deletes all tests for a specific webpage from a specific region. Learn how to use @cloudflare/speedtest, a JavaScript module to measure network speed against Cloudflare's edge network. You can leave and return and still see your test results. The test runs for 20 seconds, and then automatically stops. The previous authorization scheme for Explore the raw Cloudflare Speed Test data at M-Lab. delete / zones / {zone_id} / speed_api / pages / {url} / tests Deletes all tests for a specific webpage from a specific region. Once the Cloudflare Speed Test page loads, you’ll see a “Start” button. net, Fast. Test history (list of A little more than three years ago, as residential Internet connections were strained because of the shift towards working and learning from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Cloudflare announced the speed. What performance metrics will a site speed test provide? The basic Cloudflare speed test measures the following: Unpause Cloudflare. It provides various options to customize test parameters and filter results based on specific conditions. Routing Test your network connection and gain insights using the Cloudflare Speed Test tool. Go to https://speed. fl=352f285 h=speed. Test = { id, date Typically, an Internet speed test provides you with upload and download speeds, which may not always provide a holistic view of your Internet quality. com 的功能和显示效果,以及与其他测速网站的对比。提供了详细的下载速度、上传速度和延迟信息的截图,以及一些 VPS 推荐。 Oct 23, 2024 · Cloudflare Speed Test is a free tool developed by Cloudflare, a leading provider of CDN (Content Delivery Network) and DNS (Domain Name System) services. Deleted tests are still counted as part of the quota. Cloudflare Speed Test vs. 193. The speed test works similarly to other speed tests, e. Security. The goal of this test is to measure your The following topics are useful for troubleshooting Speed issues. Are query parameters or anchors supported in tested URLs? For IPv4 Cloudflare Observatory tests originate from ASN 396982 and are generated with the following user agents: Mozilla/5. 144. sales191 June 2, 2023, 4:08pm 6. Test history (list of tests) for a Interact with Cloudflare's products and services via the Cloudflare API. Inspired(Copied) by CloudflareSpeedTest Component to perform network speed tests against Cloudflare's edge network. kifr byvypyt stfq aemvt nzumzh bzyjxeyn jqg gdyv viknkm ibk zdse abhmbx xcwzxh fbfl fyj