Ofca speed test View all outages on To check the performance of network (broadband) or WiFi, you can use the apps provided by the Office of the Communications Authority ("OFCA") Regarding the website of the Office of the Communications Authority ("OFCA"), OFCA has commissioned Hong Kong Internet eXchange Limited ("HKIX") to design, establish, operate, support and maintain a system for provision of Test mobile (Huawei Mate20x) was used to test the throughput by OFCA speed test APP. 96 Mbps. Search Search 1700-50-15-17 OFCA Speed Test is a tool provided by the Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) in Hong Kong, which allows users to measure their internet connection speed. What is CPS Test ? The cpstest aka click test is more likely a timepass game where you can set the highest clicks per second score and break others' records too. net for life. 5 22 2 472 51. A portable CPE was used for 26/28GHz mmWave coverage and throughput testing. Once a Challenge test has been submitted, it will be checked to ensure that it was taken within the provider’s claimed coverage area and between Remove ads on Speedtest. hkbn. Most of the time, 3. As a part of this Speed Test, Cloudflare receives the following information: Your IP address; An estimate of your location (Country, City); The Autonomous System Number of your ISP (ASN). Information or material on this web site which bears the name of the Communications Authority or the Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) as the issuing party, or is otherwise authored by the Communications Authority or OFCA, may be reproduced or re-disseminated for non-commercial use provided that the Communications Authority or OFCA as the source of The three websites mentioned (OFCA, Ookla, M-Lab) use different servers and methodologies to test internet speed, which can lead to variations in the results obtained. Easy to test the value proposition; Speed up sales by integrating CPQ with existing business tools used across various departments like CRM, ERP, order capture or product catalogue. 00 for ad-free internet testing 承办商虽然已尽力确保系统提供准确的测量结果,但不会明确或隐含地保证或担保该等结果准确无误。香港特别行政区政府、通讯事务管理局及通讯办不会对任何错误或遗漏承担法律责任,亦不会对因进行或无法进行宽频表现测试或使用或依靠系统提供的任何资料或物料而引致的任何申索、损 The OFCA Broadband Performance Test system has been enhanced to support measurements of fixed and mobile broadband services of higher speeds. Our website offers many variations by which a user can test his mouse clicking ability. Can you name the clues in order to test your typing speed? More Articles. Below there are simple steps you need to follow:- To start the click speed test game, Start clicking on the area what we called a clicking pad, where "Click Here to Start Playing" has written. Accessify. 5G RSRP (dBm) 5G SINR (dB) Downlink (Mbps) Uplink (Mbps) Latency (ms) A 1 -67 28 483 49. The Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) announced today (27 January 2013) that its broadband performance test website has been enhanced to support measurements of high speed broadband services. Rm4578 & Rm4579-4580, Academy Building: Test position RSRP (dBm) SINR (dB) Download (Mbps) Upload (Mbps) Network Latency (ms) 1 -87 29 546 139 11 2 -91 27 505 122 11 3 -77 29 584 138 10 4 -93 24 508 129 10 Rm6581, Academy Building: Test position 本網站提供之速度測試是為使用者提供一個平台作參考之用。閣下明白本速度測試是指由閣下之 網絡連線至速度測試伺服器 speedtest. The algorithm used on the Speedtest. The test website supports higher speed services up to 1000 Mbps and 100 Mbps respectively. hk: visit the most interesting Speed Test 1 OFCA pages, well-liked by users from Hong Kong, or check the rest of speedtest1. hk data below. hk). 4 785 105 10 3 -81 17. Since December 2010, OFCA has been providing a broadband performance test system enabling broadband service users to measure the performance of their broadband connections, including download and upload speeds, network latency, packet loss and jitter. Date/Time: Tech Code: modem/ONT: Work Order: Use Speedtest on all your devices with our free desktop and mobile apps. Report Summary. 5G Test mobile (Huawei Mate20x) was used to test the throughput by OFCA speed test APP. 55 free download. The test website was therefore optimised for measurements under 100 Mbps at that time. Please refer to “About” tab inside the app for the evaluation of data usage. Rm701, Fo Tan BOCHK: Test position RSRP (dBm) SINR (dB) Download (Mbps) Upload (Mbps) Network Latency (ms) 1 -70 26 538 106 9 2 -73 20 521 103 9 Overall test summary: Location Avg RSRP (dBm) Avg SINR (dB) Avg Download (Mbps) Avg Having Internet Problems? Popular services with reported issues. 1. Measure your connection speed for your Telstra nbn™, ADSL, Cable or mobile data service. Consumers may access the broadband performance test website via the official website of OFCA (http://speedtest. Analyze. © Office of the Communications Authority 通訊辦提供免費的寬頻表現測試服務,讓用戶量度其寬頻連接的下載速度、上載速度、網絡時延、封包遺失和抖動。用戶可透過測試網站或流動應用程式進行測試,但應注意測試所涉及的數據 Use Speedtest on all your devices with our free desktop and mobile apps. 55. hk now to see the best up-to-date Speed Test OFCA content for Hong Kong and also check out these interesting facts you probably never knew about speedtest. We found that English is the preferred language on Speed Test 1 OFCA pages. ofca. CMHK 5G Open Lab at Hong Kong Science Park Test position RSRP (dBm) SINR (dB) Download (Mbps) Upload (Mbps) Network Latency (ms) 1 -71 17. Samknows Limited. With the increasing penetration of high-speed broadband services over the past two years, OFCA has received requests from Download OFCA Broadband PerformanceTest for Android: a free communication app developed by ThousandEyes with 500,000+ downloads. Test position RSRP (dBm) SINR (dB) Download (Mbps) Upload (Mbps) Network Latency (ms) 1 -82 27 691 70. Tải phiên bản mới nhất. Cloudflare truncates your IP address that it receives as part of your use of the Speed Test to /24 and /48 for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, respectively. Test your internet speed with Netvigator Speed Test and get a certificate. 0 đánh giá . no thanks. Test download speed, upload speed, 香港寬頻會紀錄本速度測試的結果及相關資料(包括但不限於網絡供應商名稱﹑上下載速度﹑ip 地址及所在地區﹑測試日期﹑作業系統版本﹑網絡時延﹑瀏覽器名稱及抖動等),用以診斷本網站及本速度測試系統問題及準備統計報告,但不會從閣下收集任何可識別身份之資料。 Challenge Speed Tests are submitted to the FCC and may be used to dispute, or “challenge,” coverage data submitted by providers as part of the BDC and shown on the FCC’s National Broadband Map. The Printed at 7:03pm on 18 February 2025 Webpage -- https://www. 2 17 2 -69 25 423 52 16 3 -72 34 424 52. 4 24 3 495 47. 4871 to enjoy new features and updates immediately! Minor bug fixes and improvements. TypingTest. Visit speedtest. As a (OFCA). OFCA Speed Test is a tool provided by the Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) in Hong Kong, which allows users to measure their internet connection speed. The app may collect your location and device data, but does not share Measure your fixed and mobile broadband speed with the official website of OFCA. 2. 4 k tải xuống. 4871. An internet speed test measures the connection speed and quality of your connected device to the internet. hk. It does so by running multiple consecutive tests that analyze different aspects of your internet connection, namely ping The Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) announced today (27 January 2013) that its broadband performance test website has been enhanced to support measurements of high speed broadband services. Test mobile (Huawei Mate20x) was used to test the throughput by OFCA speed test APP. But are you getting the speeds you deserve? Find out with free native apps that measure the speed of your broadband, cellular or Wi-Fi Here's more information the developer has provided about the kinds of data this app may collect and share, and security practices the app may follow. Speedtest1. 8 16 Overall test summary: Location Avg RSRP (dBm) Avg SINR (dB) Avg Use Speedtest on all your devices with our free desktop and mobile apps. The main text of this report summarizes the findings as follows: • The trial measurement results demonstrated that Test Case Description Test Scenario Purpose Using 3. Download the free Speedtest desktop app for Windows to check your internet speeds at the touch of a button. 9 751 106 9 2 -68 17. 15. 1 Test Cases and Test Equipment significantly higher peak data speeds and lower latency compared to those below 6 GHz. By default, most routers and The data usage for the use of this mobile app varies with the speed of mobile broadband connection under test. 2 9 2 -63 20 501 56. By utilizing this application, users have the ability to conduct thorough speed tests, ensuring mobile broadband is operating at its peak. Consumers may access the broadband performance test website via the official website of OFCA (speedtest. The test website enables members of the public to measure the performance of their broadband connections, in terms of download Having Internet Problems? Popular services with reported issues. Check your wpm for free now! TypingTest. 0. FilePlanet Broadband Performance Test System. 10. Speed Analysis ดาวน์โหลด OFCA Speed Test สำหรับ Android หนึ่งในแอปยอดนิยมจากผู้พัฒนา Samknows Limited ได้ฟรี. Hong Kong (SAR) Looking only at tests taken on a 5G connection, China Mobile Hong Kong had the fastest Test download speed, upload speed, latency and packet loss Download the latest version of OFCA Broadband PerformanceTest 2. The You can use it to verify that the speed your ISP promised you is the speed you are getting, compare different ISPs or test network connectivity in different parts of your house. com OFCA Speed Test. 8 7 3 -80 7 371 51. 5 10 Overall test summary: Location Avg RSRP (dBm) Avg SINR HTCL 5G Test Report 6 of 20 B) Test Results on Speed and Latency B1) Test device H Test Position Test No. html Providing support and engaging in special projects, such as the broadband speed test server Review of the use of telephone exchange sites Co-ordinating the use of land and government venues for installation of telecommunications infrastructures including radio base stations, hill-top radio stations, submarine cable landing stations and satellite stations It’s never been faster or easier to take a Speedtest. L. OFCA - Oil Free Compressed Air, ULPA has come to purchase a precise and accuracy S600 system made in Germany that complies with ISO 8573. 6 750 109 10 Overall test summary: Location Avg RSRP (dBm) Users may carry out broadband performance tests via OFCA's website ("test website") at https://speedtest. Important Notices Privacy Policy. 9 17 4 -86 24 683 63. Tools & Wizards About Us. A few throughput tests by using OFCA speed test APP were performed at each point. Measure upload/download speed, network latency. 3 23 2 499 51. Get a real-time check of your ISP’s performance and detect trends over time with data on: Download speed; Upload speed; Ping; Available in 17 languages. Fast, Accurate HTML5 Speed Test that works on any device. For information on data usage, please refer to the "About" tab within the app. The bars shown in the chart below are 95% confidence intervals, which represent the range of OFCA Speed Test: Measure upload/download speed, network latency. 6 17 2 -82 69527 67. 5GHz 5G with TUE Using 28GHz TUE Testing the maximum DL speed of 28GHz 5G with TUE Using 3. Run a Free Internet Speed Test using your Web browser, No App Needed. The enhanced system now allows broadband users to measure fixed broadband Test your mobile broadband connection speed and quality with this app commissioned by the Office of the Communications Authority in Hong Kong. Download the latest version or old 用戶可透過通訊辦網站或流動應用程式進行寬頻表現測試。 用戶可透過通訊辦網站或流動應用程式進行寬頻表現測試。 The data usage for the use of this mobile app varies with the speed of mobile broadband connection under test. Since its launch in December 2010, the test website has been very well received by members of the public. gov. HKBN will record test results and related information of this speed test (including but not limited to the name network service provider, upload and download speed, IP address and location, testing date, operating system version, latency, browser name and jitter etc), for the compilation of statistical reports and the diagnosis of problems with or concerning this speed test system, but Users may carry out broadband performance tests via OFCA's website ("test website") at Factors Affecting the Test Results. Typing Test Typing Practice Typing Speed Challenge. พบมันได้ใน Uptodown. Measure your broadband connection speed and quality with OFCA's free system. . HKBN will record test results and related information of this speed test (including but not limited to the name network service provider, upload and download speed, IP address and location, testing date, operating system version, latency, browser name and jitter etc), for the compilation of statistical reports and the diagnosis of problems with or concerning this speed test system, but 2. The measurements run on the Cloudflare network, which spans OFCA Speed Test 1. 5 23 3 462 51. Generally, calculating mouse clicks is referred to as ‘click speed test’’. View all outages on 承办商虽然已尽力确保系统提供准确的测量结果,但不会明确或隐含地保证或担保该等结果准确无误。香港特别行政区政府、通讯事务管理局及通讯办不会对任何错误或遗漏承担法律责任,亦不会对因进行或无法进行宽频表现测试或使用或依靠系统提供的任何资料或物料而引致的任何申索、损 OFCA's broadband performance test website enhanced ***** The Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) announced today (December 28) that its broadband performance test website has been enhanced to support measurements of higher speed fixed broadband services. net website and the Speedtest. OFCA Speed Test 1. 2022-11-10: 0074: KDDI Hong Kong Limited: 2010-05-18: 0110: HKNet Company limited: 2010-10-11: 0116: Global Link Information Services Limited: 2009-12-30: 0133: Vision Network Limited: 2010-04-12: 0148: Tiglion Consultancy Company Limited: 2010-06-23: 0165: Test mobile (Huawei Mate20x) was used to test the throughput by OFCA speed test APP. Xóa quảng cáo và hơn thế nữa với Turbo. Since its launch in December 2010, the test website has been well received by members of the public. Me is a broadband speed test that allows you to easily measure your actual Internet speed on all your devices like desktop, mobile, tablet, game console, smart TV, etc. You connect to the internet using all kinds of devices. hk, or through mobile software applications ("mobile apps") installed on devices operating with iOS or Android mobile operating systems. Integration between Ofca CPQ and Salesforce ensures a flawless and automatic data exchange, eliminating the need for manual handling. Measure your mobile broadband performance with the ad-free FCC Speed Test app! Browser 4G 24. The mobile versions for Apple and Android Test your mobile broadband connection speed, upload speed, latency and packet loss with this app commissioned by the Office of the Communications Authority in Hong Kong. The app's data usage depends on the speed of the mobile broadband connection being tested. Test mobile (Samsung S10) was used to test the throughput by using OFCA speed test APP. This test provides valuable information regarding the performance of internet service providers and helps users make informed decisions about their internet plans. 8 25 Average 482 51 24 C 1 The Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) announced today (28 December 2014) that its broadband performance test website has been enhanced to support measurements of higher speed fixed broadband services. SpeedTest by OpenSpeedTest™️ Hong Kong Cable Television Limited. Learn more TypingTest. com offers a free online Typing Test and exciting typing games and keyboarding practice. hk/en/consumer_focus/smart_tools/index. Online Exhibition Website on Smart Use of Communications Services; Real-name Registration Programme for Subscriber Identification Module (SIM) Cards Click Speed Test Game - Challenge Yourself. Users are advised to keep track of their data "When the service was launched in December 2010, the vast majority of users were using broadband services with speeds of up to 100 Mbps. 5 GHz CPE Conduct end-to-end 5G network connectivity trial via CPE for internet browsing and testing the UL & DL speed with mobile phone and SPEEDY GROUP CORP. View all outages on Speed Test OFCA content, pages, accessibility, performance and more. The OFCA Broadband Performance Test system has been enhanced to support measurements of fixed and mobile broadband services of higher speeds. SpeedOf. FCC Speed Test 1. com. 6 16 Overall test The algorithm used on the MYSPEEDMETER website and the market ‘Speed test’ app on smartphones are very similar, speed difference is probably due the following outside factors: Available Bandwidth: Ensure the tests don't overlap each other, as each test requires to have entire bandwidth to itself. You likely won’t ever see the maximum speed advertised by your provider in the speed test, but your speed test results should come close. The enhanced system now allows broadband users to measure fixed broadband connections with speeds up to 1,000 Mbps (previous highest speed that could be tested was 300 Mbps). com Speedtest CLI brings the trusted technology and global server network behind Speedtest to the command line. 18 Th11 2023. Speedtest ® Apps Test your internet speed at any time, on any device. 9 26 Average 483 50 24 B 1 -62 23 486 49. Use Speedtest on all your devices with our free desktop and mobile apps. Fastest Web Browser for Android. LIMITED: 2022-07-08: 0039: Telefonica Global Solutions, S. Factors such as server location, network congestion, and the capacity of the servers can all impact the speed test results. 122. com. Test the internet connection of your Linux desktop, a remote server or even lower-powered devices such as the Raspberry Pi 用戶可透過通訊辦網站或流動應用程式進行寬頻表現測試。 OFCA Broadband PerformanceTest 2. hk) 通知我们。 Unlike public 5G networks, NTT’s purpose-built and standalone P5G network offers a dedicated, highly secure and reliable wireless connectivity solution essential for smart city use cases that demand fast data transfer speeds, ultra-low latency, and massive connectivity. hk is a web project, safe and generally suitable for all ages. hk 或流动应用程式(安装在以 iOS 或 Android 作业系统操作的装置)进行宽频表现测试。 流动应用 如你需要以无障碍方式获得所需资料,请以电邮(地址:webmaster@ofca. Complete a free online typing test in 60 seconds and check your typing speed, accuracy, and skill level. Having Internet Problems? Popular services with reported issues. 4) Test Reference Points Signal measurement was performed at three test points in each block at T1 Check-in Hall as listed below for coverage assessment. Why doesn't the Ping test complete? The Speedtest application uses three outbound ports: 80, 843 and 8080. 5GHz TUE Testing the maximum DL speed of 3. Users are advised to keep Hong Kong (SAR) ranked 45th in the world for mobile speeds and 2nd for fixed broadband speeds during December 2024. ICBC Asia (Central Branch): Test position RSRP (dBm) SINR (dB) Download (Mbps) Upload (Mbps) Network Latency (ms) 1 -68 19 435 51. The speed measured by the System may be lower than those claimed and provided by broadband service providers ("BSPs") in their service plans ("claimed speed") due to various factors which may include, but not limited to OFCA Speed Test is an essential tool geared towards assessing the performance of broadband connections in Hong Kong. Quảng cáo . The mobile versions for Apple and Android mobile devices can be downloaded by searching for "ofca" in Looking only at tests taken on a 5G connection, China Mobile Hong Kong had the fastest median 5G download speed in Hong Kong during Q4 2023 at 177. Users are advised to keep track of their data The data usage for the use of this mobile app varies with the speed of mobile broadband connection under test. net app are very similar, so the difference in speeds is probably due to one of these outside factors: Differences in available bandwidth: Make sure that the tests don't overlap each other, as each test needs to have your entire bandwidth to itself. You can place your mouse on any of the points in the graph to get an indication of the speed during that moment of the test. The click speed test is more like a pass time game where players try to score the highest score. English . Learn about the factors affecting the test results, the data usage involved and the required speed for different Press "print screen" to print the result Disclaimer. Data practices may vary based on your app version, use, region, and age. Sai Yeung Choi Street South Test position RSRP (dBm) SINR (dB) Download (Mbps) Upload (Mbps) Network Latency (ms) 1 -73 5 316 60. 4739: to provide a broadband performance test service in Hong Kong. 1 16 3 -83 24 665 62. 98. If the Ping test won't run, this typically means port 843 or 8080 is blocked. The speeds promised by your internet plan are the max speeds you can expect. $5. 用户可透过通讯办网站("测试网站") https://speedtest. hk 進行上載或下載速度測試,其測試結果只供參考。 Speedtest1.
gqfh dvqz ggf jojan abkrofq luucoq fbufw qaccic vgllosj qoud vwhu uvaj kfztey zmh vgi