Lee county clerk of court Located in Fort Myers, Florida, the office offers court records searches, passport applications, property fraud alerts, official records searches, and escrow accounts. If mailing your claim, forms should be mailed to: Lee County Clerk of the Court & Comptroller Attn: Unclaimed Money P. S. A minor who is the recipient of a court settlement over $15,000; A minor who is living with someone other than a parent who will need to make decisions about schooling and health care; At the time of appointment, the court will determine the guardian's powers to be limited or plenary to exercise some or all rights of the minor or incapacitated 2025 Holidays. Jurors are responsible for all parking fees in unauthorized parking areas. Other restrictions may be applicable depending on the circumstances. org for assistance. Font Size: +- Share & Bookmark Clerk Kevin Karnes was appointed Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller by Gov. Your Lee County Clerk offers easy to use interactive forms through TurboCourt. Lee County Clerk of Court, FL eRecording, or electronic recording, is the process of filing and recording documents with the Lee County Clerk's Official Records Services Office online. Karnes. Chatham County Clerk of Court East Chatham Street, Pittsboro, NC - 16. Form Submission Options for documents recorded in Official Records (NOT court records) In Person: Official Records Department, 2115 Second Street, 2nd Floor, Fort Myers; Mail to: Lee County Clerk of Court, P. Department of State and Clerk of Courts fees. Clerk of Court Historical Photos; If you receive a phone call, write down as much information as you can about the call and provide it to the Lee County Sheriff's Office, at one of these numbers: To report a scam: 239-258-3292 If you are a victim of a scam: 239-477-1000 There are two ways to schedule an appointment with an attorney from Legal Aid. Florida Department of Revenue Call: 1-850-488-5437 Website: Florida Child Support eServices (Live chat is available on their site) Local address: 3745 Broadway, 2nd Floor, Fort Myers, FL 33901. Karnes holds a master’s degree in Legal Studies from American Public University and a bachelor’s degree from Florida Gulf Coast University. DeSantis in March 2022 and was elected to the position in August 2022 by Lee County voters. Lee County Clerk of Court, FL Board of County Commissioners- Meeting Videos; Clerk History. Karnes is responsible for managing and FDLE reviews all cases and provides official notice to the Clerk to seal the case(s) that qualify under Florida Statute 943. Lee County Clerk and Comptroller Kevin Karnes hosted the free shredding event to help citizens keep their personal information safe by providing them with a convenient way to securely dispose of Feb 28, 2024 · Lee ; Visit Court Website Visit Clerk Website Jury Duty Page Get Directions List All Locations. The Florida Courts offer Florida Family Law Forms. (Clerk's Office offers passport photo services for a fee) 7. Visit the Self-Help Center in person; Call 239-533-5000 and speak to a Customer Service representative By mail: Lee County Clerk of the Circuit Court, P. The Investment Committee oversees the Property Fraud Alert. Three payment methods are available for these court cases. Since the passport application form only has space to list the most recent marriage, the customer must provide a separate Previous Marriage Information Sheet with all ex-spouses’ names, dates and places of birth and reasons for termination of the marriages (typically death, divorce, or annulment). 2 miles Built in 1881, this Victorian-style courthouse serves as the seat of Chatham County and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Child Support & Alimony. If it appears that the guardian is not performing his or her duties properly, the court will take the necessary steps to protect the ward and/or the To set up a court hearing, contact the Clerk’s office via phone at 239-533-5000 or visit one our offices. These individuals may still need to follow the formal seal 6. Phone: (229) 759-6018 Lee County Board of Commissioners. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government Search and view Lee County’s Official Records dating back to 1887. The public webinar will be held 2 p. Online payments for these case types aren't yet available. The e-Portal will notify you via email when the documents have been approved. Lee County Clerk of Court, FL Home Menu. org for most efficient service. Find the phone number, address and office locations of the Lee County Clerk of Court in Florida. . Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government Your Lee County Clerk offers easy to use interactive forms through TurboCourt. Traffic School Completion Certificates: Courts@leeclerk. Emailing of the notice to the RMLO@LeeClerk. Back to Top. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government An appeal can be filed with the clerk by one of the following ways: Submit the document electronically via the Florida Court E-Filing portal; Mail the document, along with a check or money order for the filing fee to : Lee County Clerk of Courts Attn: Appeals Clerk P. 246(6), the Clerk of the Circuit Court can hire an outside collections to work on our behalf to collect outstanding monies owed to the courts. Mar 3, 2025 · Past or prospective jurors are never contacted by the Clerk regarding failure to serve jury duty. The decedent must have been a resident of Lee County at the time of death. , Fort Myers, FL 33901, and whose telephone number is (239) 533-1771, at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time General Mailing Address: P. Any person has a right to request that a county recorder or clerk of the court add information to a publicly available Internet website if that information involves the identity of a respondent against whom a final judgment for an injunction for the protection of a minor under s. 1039 SE 9th Place, 2nd Floor. ADA Court Accommodation Request Disclaimer Sitemap. Court Fines & Fees. Learn how to request marriage and divorce records from the County Clerk of Circuit Court in Lee County, Florida. 0 percent - stadium debt service (includes debit payments for the Lee County Sports Complex and JetBlue Park, as well as major General Mailing Address: P. 34(1) Unknowingly Driving on a Suspended License: a voluntary payment will count as an adjudication, which could result in the loss of your driving privilege. 6 percent - advertising and promotion (VCB operations and Lee County Sports Development operations); 26. No court staff or Lee County Sheriff’s staff ask past or prospective jurors to pay a fine or provide financial details including, credit card numbers, bank account, social security numbers or other personal information. Lee County Clerk of Court, FL Board of County Commissioners- Meeting Videos; ADA Court Accommodation Request Disclaimer Sitemap. You will receive an email asking you to confirm your email address. Must have 2x2 Passport Photo that meets US Department of State requirements. The Lee Clerk offers property owners a free service to alert them of potential property fraud. The request must be in writing and contain the case number. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government Lee County Clerk of Court PO Box 2278 Fort Myers, FL 33902 For express mail delivery: Lee County Clerk of Court 2115 Second Street, 2nd Floor Fort Myers, FL 33901. The Courts Department processes millions of dollars in court payments annually and accepts more than 2. Locations: Justice Center, 1st Floor. If after hours, please report the issue to our Service Desk using the button below. Court records are documents generated during legal proceedings, such as criminal case files, bankruptcy records, and records from family or probate court. Lee Clerk’s free community shredding event to take place in Fort Myers Lee Clerk to host free class on how to apply for a marriage license Lee Clerk & Comptroller completes audit consulting project for the School District of Lee County The Lee County Clerk of Circuit Court uses its best efforts to maintain this website, but makes no guarantees concerning the information contained in this web site, including the accuracy, currency, or content of such information and is not responsible for the results of any defects or misinformation that may be found to exist in this site, or General Mailing Address: P. Additional Information: Our office participates in E-Verify. Florida State Depository Unit 1-877-769-0251 General Mailing Address: P. Board Minutes & Documents; Court Cases Records; Injunctions; Official Records; Tax Deed Files; E-Certified Records; E-File Court Documents; E-Record Official Records; Fees & Costs; Forms Library; Marriage Licenses & Ceremonies; Passports; Property Fraud; Protecting General Mailing Address: P. Lee County Justice Center 1700 Monroe Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 (239) 533-2775. Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard, 2nd floor, Fort Myers, Florida 33901; Deliver in person to the Cape Coral Lee County Government Center, 1039 SE 9 th Place, 2 nd floor or to the 1st floor at 1700 Monroe St. By the authority granted under the provisions of Lee County Ordinance 13-14, the Clerk of Court has promulgated rules, and prescribed and published the forms necessary to effectuate this Ordinance. 00: Foreclosures & other real property cases between $50,000 - $250,000* Lee Clerk to host free class on how to apply for a marriage license Lee Clerk & Comptroller completes audit consulting project for the School District of Lee County Lee Clerk’s annual financial report wins national award General Mailing Address: P. You must provide a self addressed stamped envelope with your document to be recorded to Lee County Clerk of Courts, PO Box 2278, Fort Myers, FL 33902 Electronically E-Recording is a secure online submission of documents to the Clerk for recording in the Official Records of Lee County. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government Any previous or pending attempts to obtain an injunction for protection or any other cause of action in Lee County or other county/state and the results; You should be able to provide the following about the respondent (alleged abuser): Name of respondent; Physical description of respondent, including height, weight, scars, date of birth, etc. Family Court Services - 20th Judicial Circuit 239-533-2747 . We will reopen Monday, October 14. Pursuant to Florida Statute 28. The collection firm Lee County has hired is Linebarger, Goggan, Blair and Sampson. The Clerk prepares and maintains the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), which is the audited financial statements for Lee County, including Board of County Commissioners, Clerk of Courts, Property Appraiser, Sheriff, Supervisor of Elections, and Tax Collector. – 5:00 p. to 5:00 p. Zoom Court Session Instructions. Court records are available with the exception of those protected under Supreme Court Administrative Order AOSC 18-16. The secure online process saves time and money for customers by eliminating the need to submit documents by mail, courier service, or a personal visit. leeclerk. 00 fee to use TurboCourt to complete your filing, or by viewing the Residential Tenant Eviction Checklist. Official Records consist of liens, plats, certificates of title, mortgages, lis pendens, marriage licenses, deeds, judgments, death certificates, military discharges, and more. Boulevard County Court The Clerk's Offices will be closed beginning at noon on Monday, October 7 through Friday October 11 due to Hurricane Milton. Myers, FL 33902 . This Department is BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Lee. Court Records. Civil, Family, Probate, Felony & Juvenile. Traffic, Ordinance, Misdemeanor & Criminal Traffic. Access daily images, indices, plat images, and escrow accounts online. Wednesday, July 28. Find information and services related to official records, court cases, marriage licenses, passports, property fraud, traffic, jury duty and more. Not all court records maintained by the Lee County Clerk of Court are available through this online viewing system. Box 310, Fort Myers, FL 33902; Electronically via the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal; Electronically via TurboCourt; Important Notes: Provide documents relevant to your suit, such as contracts, invoices, bills, and/or receipts; Include one copy for the court file and one copy per defendant INDEPENDENCE:The IG Department’s Charter establishes independence of the internal audit activity by a reporting relationship directly to the organization's most senior level; The Lee County Clerk of Circuit Court & Comptroller (LCCC). Lee Clerk’s free community shredding event to take place in Fort Myers Lee Clerk to host free class on how to apply for a marriage license Lee Clerk & Comptroller completes audit consulting project for the School District of Lee County Oct 7, 2024 · Updates will be posted on www. Use your credit/debit card to pay traffic, parking, speeding, and most other tickets and court payments online. “As your Clerk, I am responsible for safeguarding every court document filed in Lee County,” Doggett said. A five-year suspension of your driving privileges is the result of being adjudicated to three citations in a five-year period or having a combination of three citations for DWLS/R and DUI. Dr. 30, s. About Us. Martin Luther King Jr. Location: Official Records Office Lee County Administration Building 2115 Second Street, 2nd Floor Fort Myers, FL 33901. m. org Search for court records, hearings, and documents online in Lee County, Florida. 2 miles. Lee County Clerk of Court, FL Board of County Commissioners- Meeting Videos; Court Case Records + Case Orders to Seal/Unseal; Clerk of Courts (Lee County) 239-533-5000. Lee County Government Center. 030(C): The only document(s) required to be filled with the Clerk in paper format are, sworn documents. The Marchman Act allows family and friends to petition the court to obtain an involuntary assessment and treatment for a substance abuser. . 8 miles Your Lee County Clerk offers easy to use interactive forms through TurboCourt. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government The Minutes Office records and prepares the minutes of the Board of County Commissioners, Port Authority Commissioners, Lee County Leasing Corporation and the Airports Special Management Committee meetings (available through May 2007) as a permanent record. , is entered, unless the Get your court and official records electronically certified. General Mailing Address: P. Lee Clerk to host free class on how to apply for a marriage license Lee Clerk & Comptroller completes audit consulting project for the School District of Lee County Lee Clerk’s annual financial report wins national award Mail to Lee County Clerk of Courts, Attn: Human Resources, PO Box 9344, Fort Myers, FL 33902-9344. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government Lee County Clerk of Court Records ; Back to Top. The Lee County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller is a government agency that provides various services to the public. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government How long will it take the Clerk's office to approve my filings? The processing / docketing of paper and e-Filed documents remain 3 business days. The Cape Coral branch is only open Tuesday through Thursday. George Lee County Court Administrative Judge Criminal – Lee County Misdemeanors, Ordinances & Criminal Traffic, Small Claims, Civil Traffic Infractions Lee County Justice Center 1700 Monroe Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 (239) 533-2510. The assets of the decedent must be $6,000 or less. You must provide a self addressed stamped envelope with your document to be recorded to Lee County Clerk of Courts, PO Box 2278, Fort Myers, FL 33902 Electronically eRecording, or electronic recording, is the process of filing and recording documents with the Lee County Clerk's Official Records Services Office online. Board Minutes & Documents; Court Cases Records; Injunctions; Official Records; Tax Deed Files; E-Certified Records; E-File Court Documents; E-Record Official Records; Fees & Costs; Forms Library; Marriage Licenses & Ceremonies; Passports; Property Fraud; Protecting Lee County Clerk of Court, FL ADA Court Accommodation Request Disclaimer Sitemap. 2075 Dr. If needed for overflow parking, jurors will be given a promo code to use for free parking. 046, or s. Learn about the Lee Clerk's programs, events, news and contact details. Lee County Government Center, 2 nd Floor. Honorable Devin S. The following are Official Records document types restricted by Chapter 28. of confidential documents for community members at Saturday’s shredding event, The Big Shred. Self-represented litigants are able to get answers for a variety of civil and family legal matters. Free virtual legal consultations are available through Lee County Legal Aid. Box 2469 Ft. 23 from 2-3 p. MLK Jr. , Fort Myers, FL 33901, and whose telephone number is (239) 533-1771, at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time The Lee County Judiciary provides attorneys access to the Judicial Automated Calendaring System to schedule civil court hearings. The Clerk of the Circuit Court’s primary function is to safeguard the integrity of all court records. 6. The Recording Department is located on the 2nd floor of the County Administration Building, 2115 Second Street, Fort Myers. 2221(5)(a), Florida Statutes that are not available online for general public access: Nov 3, 2024 · The Lee Clerk’s office shredded around 5,500 lbs. com) In person at our Fort Myers Location, 2075 Martin Luther King Jr. Karnes is responsible for managing and Location: Official Records Office Lee County Administration Building 2115 Second Street, 2nd Floor Fort Myers, FL 33901. See Acceptable Forms of Payment below. clark@gsccca. Box 9366 Fort Myers, FL 33902-9366 The Clerk's Mental Health Division maintains court records when a person is involuntarily committed for the treatment of substance abuse. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government The Lee County Clerk of Circuit Court uses its best efforts to maintain this website, but makes no guarantees concerning the information contained in this web site, including the accuracy, currency, or content of such information and is not responsible for the results of any defects or misinformation that may be found to exist in this site, or May 29, 2007 · The Lee County Clerk of Circuit Court uses its best efforts to maintain this website, but makes no guarantees concerning the information contained in this web site, including the accuracy, currency, or content of such information and is not responsible for the results of any defects or misinformation that may be found to exist in this site, or Updates will be posted on www. Box 310 Fort Myers, FL 33902 Lee County Clerk of Court, FL Board of County Commissioners- Meeting Videos; Get assistance with court forms and packets. 40 fee to prepare/print forms and $10. The law requires a five day written notice of filing a lawsuit against the Lee County Clerk of Court relating to a public records request. New Year's Day January 1. Clerk of Court Historical Photos; These activities require Clerk staff to collaborate with many local and state agencies, work within 15 different systems, and provide ministerial support to the public. Traffic and Court Fines & Fees; Alimony & Child Support; Tourist Tax; Search. Find your record by entering citation or case number and follow the instructions. TurboCourt makes the task of filling out forms easier to understand and helps you get it right the first time. , Monday–Friday. There is additional public paid parking in the Lee County lot at 2110 Dr. 9 from 2-3 p. Tourist development tax is used for: 53. FORT MYERS, FLA. (July 26, 2022) – Lee County Clerk Kevin Karnes has announced his office is now providing general assistance completing select court forms. Blvd. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government. Or you may mail to our office at PO Box 3207, Fort Myers, FL 33902, Attention Court Operations Support. Tourist Tax Traffic Compliance: Courts@leeclerk. Lee Clerk’s free community shredding event to take place in Fort Myers Lee Clerk to host free class on how to apply for a marriage license Lee Clerk & Comptroller completes audit consulting project for the School District of Lee County Please contact Brooke Dean, Operations Division Manager for the 20th Judicial Circuit whose office is located at the Lee County Justice Center, 1700 Monroe St. , will now take place on Wednesday, Oct. Find case types, dates, names, and more with the Access Security Matrix and wildcard feature. Oct 1, 2024 · Lee Clerk partners with ACT, Lee County Legal Aid Society to host webinar on filing domestic violence injunctions Post Date: 10/01/2024 3:40 PM In observance of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Lee County Clerk Kevin Karnes is hosting a free online class on how to file a domestic violence injunction for protection. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government Lee Clerk’s free community shredding event to take place in Fort Myers Lee Clerk to host free class on how to apply for a marriage license Lee Clerk & Comptroller completes audit consulting project for the School District of Lee County Lee County Clerk of Court, FL The Clerk is responsible for managing and safeguarding the County’s investment portfolio. The rules include registration and reporting requirement guidelines consistent with the provision of Chapter 212, Florida Statutes. As the County Recorder, the Clerk’s Official Records Office also: Location: Official Records Office Lee County Administration Building 2115 Second Street, 2nd Floor Fort Myers, FL 33901. You may also drop off the form in person at our Courts Customer Service Counter. For more information, please call 239-533-5007 About Lee County Clerk of Court. Must have correct forms of payment for U. See full list on leeclerk. 0595 (3) Clerk of the Court will secure the case within our case management system ; Note: Eligible cases may still appear in a criminal background check. 741. The matrix outlines 14 levels of access to view online court records and documents in accordance with Florida’s public records laws. org. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government General Mailing Address: P. Box 227, Fort Myers, FL 33902-2278 Lee Clerk to host free class on how to apply for a marriage license Lee Clerk & Comptroller completes audit consulting project for the School District of Lee County Lee Clerk’s annual financial report wins national award Clerk of Superior Court sara. Lee Clerk to host free class on how to apply for a marriage license Lee Clerk & Comptroller completes audit consulting project for the School District of Lee County Lee Clerk’s annual financial report wins national award Any affected person may request the Clerk add information of an adult respondent from a final judgment issued prior to July 1, 2021 to the Official Records Search. - 5:00 p. Search official records, orders, and documents related to property, court, and other matters in Lee County, Florida. Moore County Clerk PO Box 905, Carthage, NC - 17. Martin Luther King, Jr. Are filers required to submit paper documents to the Clerk subsequent to the electronic filing? According to Florida Rule 3. A customer using a previous married surname must provide information regarding that marriage. There is a $10. Meet Clerk Kevin C. Lee Clerk to host free class on how to apply for a marriage license Lee Clerk & Comptroller completes audit consulting project for the School District of Lee County Lee Clerk’s annual financial report wins national award Overnight Mail to the Clerk of Courts, Traffic Office, 2075 Dr. 00 fee to eFile using TurboCourt Lee County Clerk of Court Linda Doggett is hosting a free webinar to teach you how to search and view court records from the convenience of your home computer. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government No. Font Size: +-Share & Bookmark Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, The Clerk’s Self-Help Center provides the public with legal resources, including forms, and internet access. Florida State Depository Unit 1-877-769-0251 5 days ago · Past or prospective jurors are never contacted by the Clerk regarding failure to serve jury duty. Lee Clerk to host free class on how to apply for a marriage license Lee Clerk & Comptroller completes audit consulting project for the School District of Lee County Lee Clerk’s annual financial report wins national award The Lee County Clerk of Circuit Court uses its best efforts to maintain this website, but makes no guarantees concerning the information contained in this web site, including the accuracy, currency, or content of such information and is not responsible for the results of any defects or misinformation that may be found to exist in this site, or Clerk of Courts (Lee County) 239-533-5000. This new service helps customers representing themselves in court properly complete forms and better understand the process to avoid delays in resolving disputes. After the reports are audited by the Clerk, they are taken to the general master for review, then to the presiding judge. Circuit Lee County Clerk of Court, FL Board of County Commissioners- Meeting Videos; Clerk History. Boulevard. The legal process that is commonly referred to as The Marchman Act. , Monday through Friday excluding legal holidays. Many cases opened prior to 2004 may only be available through our Records Request System service. 102 Starksville Avenue North Leesburg, Georgia 31763 Party Information Sheet (Subject must be currently in Lee County) Options on ways to submit your filings: Efiling through the eportal Florida Courts E-Filing Portal | File Court Documents Online (myflcourtaccess. Return to our office via email at CRIAccounts@leeclerk. O. org or delivering in person at the Records Management Office, County Administration East Building, 2201 Second Street, 3rd Floor, Fort Myers, FL 33901 are The Clerk’s Self-Help Center provides the public with legal resources, including forms, and internet access. More information can be found from this link. The Inspector General Department has the authority and responsibility to: Conduct internal audits and fraud, waste and abuse investigations of the operations and financial records of Lee County government agencies, departments, employees and others under the authority of the Board of County Commissioners, Port Authority, and Clerk. For assistance with the website, please email DoITServiceDesk@leeclerk. 4 percent - beach and shoreline improvements and maintenance; 20. 0485, F. Property Fraud Alert emails notifications within 24 hours to subscribers when a deed, mortgage or other land record with their registered name or parcel on it has been recorded into the county's Official Records. This convenient service produces tamperproof, reusable e-certified documents. org during the hours of 8:30 a. Harnett County Clerk PO Box 759, Lillington, NC - 21. Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a. Specifically, the Chief Internal Audit Officer/Inspector General reports to the LCCC for strategic direction The Finance & Records Department is comprised of eight offices devoted to providing mandated and necessary financial reporting and services for the Lee County Board of County Commissioners, Lee County Port Authority, Lee County Clerk of Courts, and County funded portion of Lee County Court Administration. Statute 322. Attorneys may access additional calendaring information on the 20 th Judicial Circuit website. org and Lee Clerk social media pages. Mail a written request, along with a check or money order payable to Lee County Clerk of Courts, to cover copy fees, and a self-addressed stamped envelope for the return of your document. Cape Coral, FL 33990 The Clerk's Office is responsible for the initial review of these reports. Fort Myers, FL 33901. Learn how to contact different departments and services, such as child support, civil, probate, traffic and more. If requested, the clerk may also assist you with filing a small estate. Find out the information included in the records and the reasons for needing them. , Fort Myers. Lee County Clerk of the Court & Comptroller 2115 Second Street Finance Department, 3rd Floor Fort Myers, FL 33901 Hours: 8:30 a. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government This service is only for records recorded in the Official Records of Lee County. Nov 7, 2024 · Learn the tax deed sale process at the Lee Clerk’s monthly How-To class Post Date: 11/07/2024 7:46 AM Anyone who would like to learn how to participate in a tax deed sale is invited to attend a free online class hosted by Lee County Clerk & Comptroller Kevin Karnes. Item Fee: Foreclosures & other real property cases < $50,000* $470. 7 million filed documents. , 2nd Floor, Fort Myers FL 33901 The Clerk's office is responsible for determining who may be entitled to surplus money left over from a sale, pursuant to Florida Statute. you are responsible for reporting it to the Lee County Oct 29, 2022 · General Mailing Address: P. In addition to serving as the Clerk of the Circuit Court, the Clerk is County Recorder, Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Auditor for Lee County. Day January 20 Please contact Brooke Dean, Operations Division Manager for the 20th Judicial Circuit whose office is located at the Lee County Justice Center, 1700 Monroe St. The Lee County Clerk of the Court is responsible for processing circuit court case records, among other duties. 00 fee to eFile using TurboCourt. 784. *Note to media: Also due to Hurricane Milton, the Lee Clerk’s How-To class on filing domestic violence injunctions, originally scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. View Full Site. The Lee County Clerk of Circuit Court uses its best efforts to maintain this website, but makes no guarantees concerning the information contained in this web site, including the accuracy, currency, or content of such information and is not responsible for the results of any defects or misinformation that may be found to exist in this site, or General Mailing Address: P. To inquire about tax deed surpluses, please contact taxdeedsurplus@leeclerk. vhcgtu zdgxc ekmvxs kjgm cmdq psynfla novhbf jvad pklks utanyf pzn pxad ipp djf dubef