Free dopamine detox reddit Staying away from stimuli for days/weeks probably won't help you that much. Dopamine detox is a terrible, unrealistic name considering that’s impossible to do, but that’s where the flaws end for me. Dopamine detox is a deliberate break from activities that trigger dopamine release in our brains. Desire and pleasure are separate processes of the brain that must work in tandem in order to feel the effects of the reward system. This is a well-established concept in neuroscience. No studies have directly looked at a dopamine detox. Sure, you can find a lot about this online, but mind you nothing is certain about it, it's likely just a trend, but basically a dopamine detox is a period of time, generally around 2 weeks, in which you try to lower the general amount of stimuli your brain undergoes, usually done because things like social media, youtube and videogames overload our brains with actions made to keep us doing it This is a support group to help with impulsive behaviour towards Eating, Gaming, Gambling, Thrill, and Tech. But the truth for most people is that constant small hits of dopamine (social media, porn or any form of quick fix media) is usually a bad thing as it desensitizes the brain to dopamine so when your brain gives you dopamine for something useful it won’t mean as much. Dopamine detox doesn't detox dopamine. For the few people on this sub who don't know what it is, when people talk of "dopamine detoxing" they usually mean the abstinence of activities that provide See my other comment for a partial answer to your question. 145 votes, 44 comments. Members Online How to optimize video games and can anyone inform me about cold showers? My dopamine detox journey has truly been a lifesaver, bringing me back from a state of chronic exhaustion and into a place where I feel I can thrive. Here's an article that explains the science behind it well. Dopamine detox isn't a challenge for a while to boost discipline, it's a lifelong goal. A lot of ADHD medications operate on similar pathways. My understanding is that it's not really a dopamine detox, it's just lowering dopamine stimulation to normal levels. If dopamine detoxes actually worked to increase your dopamine sensitivity, they'd be prescribed widely for people with ADHD. I've started learning about dopamine detoxing about a month ago, (great timing now that Andrew started this Free course!) And I wasn't getting too much results from the dopamine fast, and I won't get into the scientific details right now, but what I found out (through research, Brother is a nutritionist, and an amazing youtube video by alex becker) is this: Yes definitely. You can't make dopamine "less addictive". I feel compelled to tell all of you that approx 2500 years ago Gautama Buddha designed a program for beginners who were common people, where in they had to abstain from all stimulations like talking, touching, eating special food, self gratification etc for ten whole days. I am going to start tomorrow on a week long detox and I'm terrified, but moving forward. Hello y’all I’m a 21M and excited to do this thing intermediate style tomorrow! I’ve tried fasts like this before but never a 24 hr dopamine detox. Absolutely changed the way I viewed my motivation on a day to day week There aren't enough characters in this comment to tell you how better I feel now , I've become one of the "real" nice guys . And then we go looking for it. All of the things we try to avoid during dopamine detox (gaming, surfing internet, etc) makes it hard for even people without ADHD to maintain focus; for someone with ADHD, it seems like it’d be especially helpful to try to reset and focus on less stimulating things- walking, petting their dog, reading, etc You know what, recently I discovered that I wasn’t aware of myself, I lost control over it with this overstimulation of dopamine. Dopamine is not the sensation of hedonic"pleasure". It's something to be nourished. In these interviews (and in the book as well), he suggests that embracing boredom will sort of train your ability to focus. Always played games 5-6 hours a day and 9-12 hours on weekends or everyday during summers. From a Harvard Medical School article- "The original intent behind the dopamine fast was to provide a rationale and suggestions for disconnecting from days of technology-driven frenzy and substituting more simple activities to help us reconnect us with ourselves Welcome to Dopamine Detoxing. You can check it out at trydoxo. If you're looking for a more permanent solution, feel free to check out: Good that you tried this, but from what I have understood (my intention and experience with doing a dopamine detox myself) is that, we tend to replace the ‘bad dopamine hits’ with the ‘good, subtle ones’, like you have done here. The point of doing a dopamine detox isn’t to take away all dopamine. Hi, jus saw the three part series on dopamine detox. Jan 14, 2025 · Ready to hit the reset button on your brain? A dopamine detox might just be the answer you’re looking for! This innovative method is all about rediscovering your focus and energy by taking a break from those constant distractions that life throws at you. Dopamine detox is a cool 24 hour or 48 hour challenge you can do. The concept of a 'dopamine detox' is neurotrash. Welcome to r/DopamineDetox, reddit's community for everybody interested in becoming a more healthy person through abstaining from everything that's giving your brain dopamine too easy, for example Social Media, food, masturbation, and more. The main goal is to separate yourself from addictive low value dopamine that is holding you back from your goals, so that you can bring your focus back to more meaningful things that will give you pleasure instead. The author seems very distinguished but it sounds a bit similar to the whole dopamine detox movement, given she's referenced quite a bit by them. of course this ca be felt after you move past 28 years old or so, the younger ones will recover faster but still will be affected. It’s a good thing. In a few weeks, your dopamine receptors will be upregulated, and you'll get a lot more dopamine out of low dopaminergic activities. K (HealthyGamerGG) has a great video on the neuroscience of it and how if you've become desensitized to dopamine you may be able to "detox" and adjust your sensitivity, but that you need to abstain from highly dopaminergic activities for 2+ weeks in order to have the desired effect, because that's how long it takes for your neural pathways to Welcome to Dopamine Detoxing. What you're actually doing is spending more time doing habits that are productive until you become that productive person and teaching your body to engage in less instant gratification fixes. No gaming, no porn, no social media… Hello there, I started the dopamine detox a few days ago removing my social media without turning off my phone and computer because of studies and online classes, but every time I try to study I can't concentrate, I am so tired all the time and all I want to do in my breaks is sleep. The Logic Behind Dopamine Detox: Hi everyone, this is the first time after many attempts that I was able to do a full week of dopamine detox. I've tried getting away from my phone and social media for a long time. Though I certainly believe that the science is there to show that reducing one’s exposure to things that trigger an unnatural dopaminergic response after prolonged periods of subjection to them is extremely beneficial in that it can assist with a ‘ reset ‘ of sorts I would never have had the certainty to undertake a dopamine detox if I hadn't done this already. Jan 14, 2025 · So I decided to do something drastic: a dopamine reset. Hello everyone, i saw someone updating their dopamine detox journey and I thought it was a great idea to stay disciplined. And while, looking at your profile, you don't seem to be using Reddit excessively (so I'm not suggesting that you need to get off Reddit altogether), it still makes it kinda ironic that you're on social media, worrying about whether exercise is going to be a problem in your "domamine detox" plan. I see a lot of Reddit posts from users that try to quit caffeine, sugar, porn, social media, Netflix, artificial sweeteners all at once because you've seen this Dopamine Detox trend. My Dopamine Detox Experience So Far! About a few months ago, I was looking at the work I did and where my effort was being put, and I found most of my time to be going towards activities which didn't yield me results. It's not a detox, it's not a fast, it doesn't lower dopamine levels and it doesn't upregulate dopamine receptors, as it is too short in duration. Members Online 30 day No fap challenge! Hello I'm 15 and have been trying to fix a issue I've been having for months. I knew I had to retrain my brain to find satisfaction outside of endless scrolling. So like others have said, you can't really detox from dopamine because it's a brain chemical - but you can learn to get your dopamine from other things, and train yourself out of getting it from "harmful" sources like weed and screentime. I read online about detoxing, and I saw recommendations to increase dopamine levels by going outside or socializing, but from what I understand, dopamine is a finite resource that can be replenished, so won't doing these things make me deplete my dopamine by secreting it on those activities? A dopamine rush is what a cat feels when it sees something that could be a mouse. And effectively it’s really simple. I'm super excited to show you guys what I've been working on for the past 6 months. Having a taste of what life could be like was a game-changer and gave my life a new purpose; the eternal dopamine detox. I am currently in college and i need to interact with the internet but my attention span os awful. Launching it in 3 days and would love beta testers. Thus it is advisable to don't indulge in highly rewarding dopamine activities that release maximum dopamine in a burst. It’s like the people who get pissed off when someone says starfish because it’s not a fish. ai. The older videos I saw inculded no speaking, reading fiction or nonfiction, food beyond water, no coffee either, cleaning, listening to music, video games, shows or videos, anything you would be doing in an attempt to get dopamine like deep cleaning behind stove, arts and crafts, working out, finishing that backlog of minor tasks like fix doorknob. Intentionally trying to downregulate dopamine is not a smart idea for a lot of reasons, if it even works. I've been studying dopamine and brain chemistry for some time now, just for my own interest. alcar upregulates dopamine receptors. I can’t simply go cold Turkey on social media; it’s never completely worked in the past A lot of people don't understand what dopamine actually does, it's discussed online incorrectly. I think that making a full list of things that I can do will help me to use my time more wisely, plan better goals, and set my mind at ease. Anna Lembke) OR Dopamine Detox (Paperback, Thibaut Meurisse) both are quite popular self help reads, and i really need some constructive approach to fight and minimize the impact of my worst enemy, certainly, procrastination. If you're looking for a more permanent solution, feel free to check out: Read interesting posts on reddit, birdwatch, take pictures of nature, walk on the beach, ride my bike, listen to at least one new Spotify album a week, yoga, pilates, cloud watching in my hammock, read fiction and non fiction, play with my cats, clean my house (rewarding), organize one drawer or shelf, cook, go to the movies, listen to tolle or watts, dance in my kitchen, go to online zoom aa My dopamine detox journey has truly been a lifesaver, bringing me back from a state of chronic exhaustion and into a place where I feel I can thrive. If done correctly, "dopamine detox" actually increases real dopamine and can rewire your brain to use that as the primary motivator. RPE) that have been brought forward as hypotheses for a "general function" of dopamine (the notion of a neurotransmitter having a general function deserves scare quotes) are relevant to RL. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to do a dopamine detox on Reddit. Before dopamine detox, my day was like this: immediately after getting up, I tried to sit down straight to work (I work from home) For example I am making a short film and everytime I do a dopamine detox I say "Ok, i will focus on write the script and paint the sketches", after that study programming and maybe running. Ive done a dopamine detox and continued to leave games out of my life for close to a year. 7 day dopamine detox and NoFap - great results already I've battled with porn addiction and compulsive desires to randomly open a camming website anytime I was stressed, bored, or had to do something difficult. Dopamine increases desire, dopamine creates motivation. Welcome to Dopamine Detoxing. Practicing mindfulness involves a lot of the same behaviors and also produces results similar to those promised by a “dopamine detox”. Jan 29, 2025 · Steps to Perform a Dopamine Detox. I’m not making fun of OP. I hope my story can inspire others to examine their relationship with stimulation and consider whether a dopamine detox might benefit them too. Regardless if you were scrolling on your phone or reading a book dopamine will be released. I know this is an old thread but i thought i'd give my insight. Why do people get so bent out of shape about semantics. First thing I did next morning was put on some classical, while drinking my coffee and smoking a cig, then went on to eat breakfast (which I don't do that often surprisingly but in the past 3 days I have done) and then work out and meditate and have a cold shower. e you have ample amount of dopamine to spend ,then activities requiring commitment are easily carried out. The aim is to reset our brain's reward system, making it more responsive to natural pleasures and less dependent on the constant stimulation of the digital world. dop nation costs around INR 210 latter one costs around 140-150, online. A dopamine detox is a deliberate break from activities that trigger dopamine release in our brains. But Im wondering if the difference is that she specifically targets "addictive" things like internet usage, whereas the pseudoscience talks about abstaining from all dopamine. People who practice this generally follow these Welcome to Dopamine Detoxing. Step one: stop doing the things that give you cheap dopamine. Feel free to invite accountability partners by pointing them towards the above course. As for the relevance of dopamine to RL research: Obviously, many of the concepts (e. Fortunately, now I’m taking my control back. true. I’m just making fun of the term “dopamine detox”. Personally for me it has worked. Dopamine Nation (Paperback, Dr. If you're new to the Subreddit, start by watching Andrew Kirby's free Mental Momentum YouTube course. In a dopamine detox, we take away the high dopamine spikes generated by companies psychologically designed to target our dopamine receptors, and allow ourselves to be bored. So watch a sunset, read a book, exercise, that sort of stuff. Dopamine detox is bullshit. I wasted 8 years of my life using porn and smoking cigarettes. But I recently watched a few interviews with Cal Newport, the author of the book “Deep Work”. Start with a Dopamine Detox, then maintain a Dopamine Fast. I have confidence in all things that I do , three point shots have increased by 15% :p Trust me NoFap doesn't give you superpowers , when you start NoFap and your brain rewires you become the real you I did quit alcohol and TikTok but i didn't find myself capable of maintaining a conversation in a satisfactory way. also sleeping very early like before midnight and consistently will improve mood, mindset, overall personal 'energy' a lot. No YouTube no junk food no video games no porn Step two: Do things that give you natural dopamine because they require actual effort on your part: go for a run/hike, cook a meal from scratch, make a to do list of chores and start tackling it. So if I watch YouTube, go on reddit, watch Netflix, etc. THAT WILL NOT WORK. Stress and anxiety are the sources of all evil. It’s fine. [METHOD] Dopamine Detox Guide: A Minimalistic System I created an actionable guide of Cal Newport's Digital Minimalism so that you can use insights from this book right away. @Andrew Kirby and other readers. Dopamine Detox Tips/Suggestions Guys this is one of the best things you can do by far if you find your self in the same loops, the same struggles, same negative thoughts, low self esteem the list goes on! you just need the will to do it, its down to YOU! The Science of Dopamine: The hormone dopamine can lead to addiction and social media is designed to trigger dopamine release. See the Required Reading for more. “Dopamine Detox” is a very real thing. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit Dopamine detox. I used to think that the idea of a dopamine detox is bullshit. A dopamine detox is extreme, isolating, has no proven benefits and for many people can trigger mental issues. Doing so, proponents say, Dec 13, 2024 · The dopamine detox Reddit is a community-driven movement that aims to help individuals overcome dopamine addiction by reducing their dopamine intake. This sounds an awful lot like a dopamine detox. All from you saying I would fail, I created a short term goal (quit reddit and don't make another account) and a long term goal (be completely free from instant gratification in the next 6 years). Get out of Reddit too it does count as social network. For context I’m 20 year old, 4th year med student struggling with; Understanding Dopamine: Dopamine is a key neurotransmitter that plays a significant role in our reward and pleasure centers. Stopped playing WoW about 2-3 months ago, played Single Player Games in Moderation from there on. Yet instead of that, a video game (that results in peaks of dopamine) has recently been added to the list of evidenced treatments. It wasn’t perfect, but it worked better than anything else I’ve tried. Dopamine fasting uses techniques from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), including stimulus control—reducing contact with things that trigger the unwanted behavior, and exposure and response prevention—responding to urges by noticing them without judgment. I'd suggest going camping or something to disconnect rather than a dopamine detox. Welcome to Dopamine Detoxing, by Andrew Kirby. Then i started the dopamine detox and reducing it in general. Feel like he probably should have been more clear that while a literal “dopamine detox” isn’t a thing, that doesn’t mean abstaining from video games, social media, etc every once in a while is pointless. But if you just create a void with nothing useful to fill it, then you won’t stick to the detox. Here's the link to Part 1 - My story and the things that I implemented I cannot believe I've made it this far. Don't just detox without goals, that'd be my advice. Members Online 30 day No fap challenge! Welcome to Dopamine Detoxing. Check out the podcast tho and see if the book is something you’d be interested in. It’s involved in reinforcement learning, where our brain is essentially trained to repeat actions that lead to rewarding outcomes. "This is entertaining!" - Madara Uchiha Welcome to Dopamine Detoxing. "we already lack dopamine so doing a "detox" wouldnt do anything positive" i personally think the idea of a dopamine detox is a little gimmicky. It's a gamified AI dopamine detox coach. Best of luck champ!!! Welcome to Dopamine Detoxing. Dopamine detox in this case tries to be a quick fix solution to a much bigger problem. It is not a valid intervention/theory with support in the scientific literature. then suddenly stop and do so for a couple weeks I could potentially get as much of a good feeling from reading books as I was hey guys, I'm starting a detox week and had some questions that I just can't figure out. Here’s what helped: A 30-Day Detox: I started by cutting my screen time in half over the first two weeks. It detoxes adrenaline and cortisol. In short, it works, but it's not the solution. I gained a lot from the previous detox Therefore I am resetting and starting a new dopamine detox. Be specific about how you can use your time better. I know it’s a legit thing, I think therapists call it dopamine fasting too. Dopamine detox is exactly as the name states, even hard work gives you dopamine. The main takeaway from the detox for me was that I have to watch my dopamine intake the same way I watch my sugar or alcohol intake. So I used to enjoy a lot of things like gaming and making YouTube videos but for the past 2 months both of those things have faded and I feel like one of the reasons I've lost motivation for the old things I used to love doing is because my dopamine receptors are used to high levels of dopamine from por* I been Welcome to Dopamine Detoxing. No sign of dopamine detoxes helping anyone in the literature. The biggest difference I've felt is the peace and clarity of mind which translate into many aspects of life. The solution is a stress free life. However, activities like gaming or social media are rewarding still, and with dopamine increase they launch the addiction loop, where you crave for more and with every iteration the craving is stronger and the pleasure is lower. If you're an adrenaline junkie like I was, then there is a right way and a very wrong way to do this. Introduction: In "Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World," Cal Newport outlines a philosophy for living a more meaningful and focused life in today's Heyhey, after the past 31 days I completed my first ever month-long extreme dopamine / consumism detox and I wanted to share my motivation, results, realisations (and some techniques). Most antidepressant medications work by making sure that you have more dopamine and norephedrine in your brain. I hope it helps you. Welcome, I have recently done a Dopamine Detox (DD) where I lasted approx 24 days before I returned to my previous Instant gratification habits. They are also all examples of what we call pursuing high quality leisure. 17 votes, 10 comments. So far 1,000+ will be taking part in this dopamine detox. You are partly right, dopamine is not toxic and frequently expectations can give you more dopamine than the activity itself. Good dopamine detox activities: Talking to people Cooking & eating Going for walks Reading books Journalling Exercising You'll notice that these activities have one thing in common: they get you away from screens. Going Full Dopamine Detox, any tips? Hey guys, 33yo self employed from germany here. I just bet there is some “dopamine detox” facility or guru out there that is trying to sell us something. It's great to have healthier habits but claiming to do it for a 'dopamine detox' is going to be in vain. But to me, it seems logical, and I have proven that logic to myself the last two weeks. I'm gonna do my best to keep the app free, but will also have to see how much backend costs are going to be over time. I started to feel less anxious and insecure with the practice but really feel the difference when i started the dopamine detox/intake. It is literally your reward chemical. Well the first time I've done a dopamine detox was basically the first day in the past 6 years or so, where I didn't listen to music. Just curious if someone in Nagpur follows a dopamine detox routine or something similar to that. Dopamine "detox" as a name is misleading, they mention that in the main video. I know that the idea of a dopamine detox it self is still a debated topic. Dopamine isn't something to detox. There is a vast array of science behind it, people just have a hard time adapting the label because it’s very buzz y and screams pop psychology. I didn’t go cold Nov 21, 2023 · Doing a dopamine detox, or dopamine fast, involves abstaining from nearly anything that could be considered pleasurable, from food to sex and even socializing. Hello brother, i would suggest you read the book Dopamine nation or watch andrew huberman podcast with anna liembke, this is quite common, there's sort of a bell curve where your cravings will worsen but then they'll plateau and lower out, this 17-21 should be the last of it, usually after 3 to 4 weeks, your body behaves normally and sometimes it takes longer but after 4 weeks you'll be where If you're new to the Subreddit, start by watching Andrew Kirby's free Mental Momentum YouTube course. Beyond that, the concept of a ‘dopamine detox’ reflects a gross misunderstanding of how these neurotransmitters (dopamine, norepinephrine) work and are implicated. Especially since "dopamine detox" is a term Welcome to Dopamine Detoxing. I would go through phases of detoxing. g. You need to be careful, since doing high dopamine stuff early in the day will make it much harder to be productive. . I haven't watched this particular video, but Dr. My Rules and Experience No Netflix, Reddit, or YouTube (blocked with Cold Turkey app). Once I finally decided to play it was like I was 12 years old again getting onto cod4. Guys i found the reason of my relapses and its my mental urge (dopamine), so I'm going on 2 days dopamine detox can you guys give me some tips? Sorry… I would think it would be especially helpful. Ive attempted to detox from social media before and it’s not something I’ve been able to consistently finish. When I say detox, I want to try and make this sustainable. Depending on what you do for work, you could just refrain from using anything but the software you need for work while at work. like the idea is there, but to me it sounds more like just reducing bad habits instead of actually reducing dopamine levels. 24 or 48 hours will not reset your brain just because you stared at a wall. Of course most music save for experimental dissonant music give you dopamine. "Detox" is probably a misnomer, as you can't technically detox from dopamine the way you would cigarettes or coffee, as it's actually an important chemical in the body, but basically, the idea is to give up activities which trigger a high dopamine response (this would include much of the Internet, especially social media, gaming, and euphoric And since I am completely uninteresting, because gaming, TV shows, music, and other distractions filled like 99% of my free time, I always felt I have nothing to offer to relationships, whether they be friendly or potentially romantic. How do you go about starting/accomplishing a dopamine detox? The ultimate goal is to stop using social media as a crutch and rather a tool to engage in what I want to engage in and further my own interests, while allowing most of my free time to be spent working on my goals and hobbies. Members Online Want to dopamine detox: what are the essentials to be successful? Didn't do a total dopamine detox like OP yet, but tried to limit my screen time just as well. However, when you detox from what stimulates a lot of dopamine it leads to a person being able to find joy in things that stimulate dopamine in a lesser way. Dopamine is responsible for motivation, meaning if you are high on dopamine i. People usually start a detox to accomplish two goals: free up time that is taken up by mindless scrolling and to reduce their dependence on electronic devices to supply dopamine. Stay strong, everyone 💪. going to bed after 1 AM is prolly the worst thing you can do for your mental health, mood and motivation. This is because of homeostasis and keeping the general "audible level" of dopamine the same. Members Online BarAvailable4799 "Dopamine Detox" can have some small and transient positive effects but there are two problems with the detox: It makes false claims about what it does. When you return to your normal life, you'll gain more pleasure from everyday, mundane tasks. You'll notice yourself being more present in the moment and your dopamine receptors will finally become more sensitive. If you were suffering from too much dopamine you would have schizophrenia. This is a support group to help with impulsive behaviour towards Eating, Gaming, Gambling, Thrill, and Tech. Jan 9, 2025 · You need to "dopamine detox" in that you need to do a lot fewer high dopamine activities that are endless. This video he debunks exactly that, and then tells the (suspected) logic behind it. Before I continue, I must emphasise that I don’t subscribe to the mainstream idea of a ‘ dopamine detox ‘ literally. It's far too easy to abuse dopamine these days, so I thought of it as going back to a time before technology. This is intense shit. did a 3-day dopamine detox too recently!!! my favorite parts of it: how every day felt like i had a lot of time!! the detox made me realize how much time i spend on the internet also loved how unbothered i was when i usually get stressed over not being able to reply immediately/ not getting replies Welcome to Dopamine Detoxing, by Andrew Kirby. It's a bit more complicated then you think, as i said, dopamine is just a stress hormone, rising it beyond healthy level makes you feel irritated and generally uneasy, try to take high dose of l-dopa, prevent dopamine conversion to noradrenaline and others and check out your feelings, there was even an expirement where people got their dopamine Welcome to Dopamine Detoxing. So no google, facebook, reddit, and so on. At some points, I would reduce dopamine so much that I would just spend 12hrs learning to code and then meditate for the rest of the day. If you are looking to undo bad habits, more power to you, but it has nothing to do with your response to dopamine Pheww! It's been 30 days. I knew that I could modulate my behaviour, had practiced bigger & bigger challenges of willpower, as well as had intimate familiarity with which habits were the biggest problems or risks. The point is not productivity but rather getting your brain hooked off of the high you get so that doing hard work feels more rewarding. If there’s one type of scientific experiment ever-present in the popular imagination, then it’s the ones in which rats have their behaviour manipulated in some way. rzhzthv vbmkj zddyx srwhb kbogg znndic hgwrs ojby akebtqz hjia rlhorogi jznmz dqcave ivvbij twgs